
Leave Summary

There are different types of leave available. If you’re not sure, please speak to the Business Manager regarding your leave. The DET website is also useful for checking details.




What do I do?

Personal leave

Personal leave is available to an employee when they are absent due to personal illness or personal injury; to care for an immediate family or household member who is sick or injured and requires the employee’s care or support or who requires care or support due to an unexpected emergency; or to support a person experiencing family violence in order to accompany them to court, to hospital, or to care for children.

If you require leave for other purposes, you may need to apply for LWOP.

On the day: Please inform the Daily Organiser ASAP.


For future dates: Please let the Principal and Daily Organiser know asap. 


Complete the leave request on Edupay



Long Service Leave

An employee is entitled to 495.6967 hours (three months) of long service leave after ten years of full time eligible service

Write a letter to the Consultative Committee (CC) 2 terms prior to the leave and hand it to the Assistant Principal for submission to CC.


Complete the leave request on Edupay

Flexible work option (FWO)

(teacher only)

Teachers can request (limited time) to leave the school during non face-to-face time or a non-meeting after-school time where it does not impact on the students or their team.

Complete a FWO form and place it in the CC box in the Daily Organiser office.

Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)

(ES only)

TOIL can be used if time has been accrued for College-approved activities where attendance has been required or requested. TOIL needs to be pre-approved by relevant Manager. TOIL should be used within the term or year that it accrues unless agreed to with the Principal. 

Complete a TOIL form and place it in the CC box in the Daily Organiser office.


As a general rule: TOIL should not be claimed in retrospect.

Bereavement leave

Death of an immediate family member

Please speak to the Principal.


Complete request on Edupay

Release to attend an interview

(Teachers only)

A teacher is entitled to be released from duty for the (reasonable) period of time required to attend an interview for an advertised position in a Victorian government school.

Please see the Principal

Parental absence

Parental absence comprises one or more of the following forms of leave:


-Maternity leave

-Partner leave

-Other paid parental leave

-Long service leave

-Annual leave and additional paid leave (education support class employees)

-Family leave without pay

Read what you are required to do on the link and please speak initially to the Business Manager to determine eligibility 

Other Leave:


For more information, please see the Victorian Government Schools Agreement, 2017. https://www.education.vic.gov.au/hrweb/documents/vgsa-2017.pdf

Leave Without Pay


If a leave request does not fall into any of the above categories, it is Leave Without Pay (LWOP). Approval of Leave Without Pay requests are at the discretion of the Principal.  Please do not book holidays or other events assuming that LWOP will be automatically granted.  These requests should be emailed to the Principal outlining the days/times and reasons for the request. Please also read and note the College Leave policy-available on Resource Drive/Policies.