
The College is fortunate to have some great learning facilities and these are able to be accessed by all teachers and students. Some areas have specific expectations and requirements for their use. The woodwork room is one area that requires specifically-trained staff to supervise. The Staff room, Foods room, GYM, PAC, Art room, Library and Numeracy rooms are other areas that have specific expectations that need to be understood and agreed to before using the space/s. 

Booking Learning Spaces

Library bookings are completed via COMPASS and/or Library staff.

Bookings for other rooms/spaces, can also be done through COMPASS . Please check that they are available or arrange for a mutually-agreed exchange with the scheduled teacher. Be aware of any expectations of use of the area and inform students of their responsibilities. Arrange for keys, if needed. Leave the space as you found it (or even better, if possible).


Conference Rooms

Conference rooms (#1 and #2 in Admin block) may be booked through COMPASS . Please include name of person booking, who is attending and the likely length of the meeting/activity. Please note that Principal Class bookings may be given a higher priority if there are multiple bookings. Conference room #1 holds up to 12 people and Conference Room #2 can hold up to 4 people.

Heating and Cooling

All staff areas, classrooms and some other spaces have reverse cycle heating/cooling units with individual controls. The remote control units for classrooms are in the adjacent Sub-school/Science office. Other spaces, including PAC and Technology (Foods), have controls on the wall in the rooms. 


For efficient operations of these units, leave the setting at 22-26 degrees. Generally, keep windows and doors closed to maximize the heating/cooling in the room. Also, be mindful that after about an hour, the room should have an exchange of air so it is good practice to change the air at the change of class-open door and window usually works best. Turn units off when leaving the room (including PAC) unless the next staff member has arrived before you leave. 

Borrowing Equipment

When staff wish to borrow equipment for personal use at home, it is important to remember that this equipment is not covered by College insurance and it is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure the equipment is covered by their own insurance policy or the borrower agrees to replace the item – new for old.

Procedures for borrowing equipment are:

  • Ask the Team Leader responsible for the equipment to approve in principle your ability to use it
  • Collect a proforma for borrowing College equipment from the Business Manager
  • Complete all details and return form to the Business Manager
  • Return equipment in good order

Using Equipment After Hours

  • Speak with the relevant Domain Area Leader/Business Manager
  • Agree to the times that the equipment can be used
  • Agreement must be made for each time the facility/item is to be used
  • Borrow keys, if necessary, from the General Office-to be returned immediately after use
  • Compensate the relevant area for any costs involved – for personal use you pay, for another domain then that Domain Leader must agree to a transfer of funds (contra) entry being made
  • Domain Leaders to notify the Business Manager of the financial arrangement

College Bus Booking

Any queries regarding the booking and use of College bus should be directed to the Business Manager. The bus can only be used for College-approved activities. Bookings are made using COMPASS. Please note that the bus requires a registered driver with an endorsed licence. When transporting students, there is a minimum of 2 staff required to travel on the bus. Trips will be charged according to distance travelled and time used. Details are listed on the excursion form template.