Diaries and Uniform

Student Planners

  • All students will be provided with a Junior or Senior College planner. Replacement copies are available for purchase from the General Office.
  • Students are expected to carry these planners with them to every class and when they leave the classroom for any purpose. Year 12 students should also carry the planners with them during study periods in the Common Room/Library.
  • The planner is to be used to record any homework or important dates for work due, excursions etc. 
  • The planner is to be signed in the appendix, by classroom teacher whenever students are leaving the classroom – it should indicate why they are leaving, where they are going and the time of the student leaving.
  • Students will be informed that the student planners are not private books but rather for College use and access. Therefore, they should be kept clean, tidy and be accessible to all staff and parents.


Students are required to be in full uniform at all times. Uniform should be checked every period each day plus during breaks and uniform passes checked for any student out of uniform. If a student is out of uniform without a current pass, please notify the relevant subschool, at a time that is convenient to the teacher/class and minimizes disruption to student learning. Do not send students out of class to subschool for being out of uniform.


DETAILS: Students may select to wear either the Summer OR Winter uniform at any time of the school year. Mixing the different uniforms is not acceptable. The College uniform will continue to be reviewed throughout 2022 by the College Council and Student Leadership.

The College Blazer should be worn for all formal occasions, including awards evenings, special events and nominated excursions. Students may be able to borrow Blazers for specific purposes.



SPORTS UNIFORM (not to be mixed with Summer or Winter uniform)

(can be worn to/from the College and during the day when student has PE or Sport on the day)



MUSLIM DRESS                  Black or white with long sleeves 

HIJAB /scarf                          Black/white/purple. Other colours are not acceptable



Black leather lace-up or T-bar shoes only. Students with medical exemptions for shoes will carry a uniform pass in their Planner.


NB: Please note that black leggings and tights can only be worn under uniform and never by themselves as outer clothing.

If in doubt about uniform, please refer student to the Subschool but where there is minimal disruption to learning-this may mean after class.