
The College does not carry insurance cover for personal valuables damaged, lost or stolen at the College or during College business such as camps, excursions, conferences, in-services etc. No responsibility can be taken for loss or damage to personal property brought on to the College site or on College activities.


The College does not have additional insurance for damage to staff and visitor vehicles parked on the College site. On days when strong wind/storms are expected, do not park near/under trees.

Evacuations and Drill

Staff should familiarise themselves with the Emergency Management Plan (EMP). All staff will receive notification of the publication on Teams of the EMP at the beginning of each year. This document will be updated as needs and personnel change. Copies of evacuation maps should be located in every classroom, office and other staff work areas. Please inform the OHS team if documents are missing or incomplete. Evacuation and lock-down drills occur each term and should always be treated as an authentic experience with feedback to be provided to the OHS team, to improve future responses. While most students behave appropriately through the drills, occasionally individuals may misbehave and this should be reported to the relevant Subschool when possible.


It should be noted that occasionally these drills can provoke unforeseen reactions in persons and these should also be reported as part of the regular feedback. 

Personal Laptops/Ipads 

Personal Laptops/iPads are not covered by the College insurance. These are the responsibility of the teacher and should be covered by personal insurance. Check your House/Contents insurance policy before bringing items to the College.

College Laptops and Mobile Phones

DET-owned Staff laptops must be securely maintained at all times. They must never be left in a car, locked or otherwise. Any loss, theft or accident is to be reported immediately to the Business Manager or Principal. Theft or loss of such property may require a police report to be completed.


Staff issued with College mobile phones must ensure their security at all times. Theft or loss of such property will require a police report to be completed. Staff may be deemed liable to the replacement cost of items if negligence has occurred.

Electrical Appliances

Staff should not use electrical appliances that have not been tested and tagged. This includes any appliance from home and if these are seen, staff will be requested to remove them from the College. Testing and tagging usually occurs before the start of each year. 

Use of Private Vehicles

It is recognised that at times staff members may be required to use their own private vehicles for school purposes. However, the use of private vehicles should be kept to a minimum. It is recommended that staff claim such costs, including parking, through their personal tax processing. If, however, a travel claim is to be re-imbursed by the College, then the travel must also be pre-approved through the CC process for the activity.

Any fines (speeding, parking, Citylink, etc.) associated with the use of private vehicles is the responsibility of the driver and not the College.



It is everyone’s responsibility to behave in a safe manner and to maintain safe working conditions for all.


When incidents occur, Workcover is available to teachers who are injured at work or when involved in work activities. Any injuries should be immediately reported to the Principal or a Principal Class Officer and recorded in the DET accident report system:https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/occupational-health-and-safety-management-system-ohsms/guidance/edusafe-edusafe-plus and reported, as appropriate, to the OH&S representative. To ensure that Workcover is applicable, staff leaving the premises on pre-approved school business during school hours should sign the 'Staff Out' book in the general office before departure and then again upon return.

Workcover forms are available from the Business Manager or from the DET website/treating medical practitioner. Staff must fill in the form completely and hand directly to the Principal. DET will not allow any payments for medical services/equipment/medications to be paid until claim has been assessed and approved. Staff are advised to keep all receipts and submit once a claim number has been provided.