Value | This means | Behaviour to Demonstrate Values |
Achieve | - Fostering high standards of performance
- striving to achieve the best outcomes
- all members of our school community will strive for personal and professional improvement
- encouraging and supporting each other in our roles
- recognising and acknowledging individual and team efforts
- sharing knowledge, expertise and resources to continuously improve performance
- implementing agreed innovative programs
- incorporating effective learning technologies
- delivery of agreed broad curriculum – teaching & learning
- provision of agreed and negotiated enrichment activities
| - I always strive to do my best
- I regularly review my own performance to identify strengths and areas for improvement
- I work as part of a team to achieve outcomes
- I evaluate my performance against best practice benchmarks
- I positively acknowledge individual and team efforts formally and informally
Respect | - Using respectful language (written and spoken) at all times
- acknowledging interdependence and reliance on others
- acknowledging the achievement of others
- valuing and appreciating differences
- showing knowledge of and sensitivity to the needs and circumstances of others
- acknowledging the strengths and skills of others
- understanding and appreciating that there are different cultures, religions, experiences, sexuality and backgrounds around us and they enrich our lives
- accepting that every person has inherent worth
| - I treat all people in a generous, courteous and considerate manner
- I actively listen to other people’s view points
- I offer others constructive feedback
- I offer advice in a constructive manner
- I speak well of all people at the College
- I accept difference through showing tolerance and respect for others
- I respect a person’s right to express their individuality
- I promote the richness of our diverse College community
Integrity | - Committing to agreed values and related behaviours
- acting in an honest, sincere and consistent manner
- acting in an ethical manner and fostering ethical behavior
- taking responsibility for own actions
- treating people in an honest, open and respectful manner
- seeking to add value to each students’ education
- fostering a mindset which acknowledges student needs and priorities
- working within agreed policies and practices
| - I am able to seek assistance from peers when I cannot solve a problem
- I always act in a respectful manner
- I follow through on communication
- I think and check facts before acting/speaking
- I give people the benefit of the doubt rather than jump to conclusions
- I always look for positive outcomes and solutions to situations
- I am responsive to student needs
- I maintain an objective viewpoint
- I am well prepared for my commitments (on time, reliable)
Teamwork | - Sharing knowledge, ideas and goals (groups benefit as distinct from individuals)
- ensuring the opportunity for all members of our community to participate in College projects
- understanding and accepting the differing roles and responsibilities of team members
- recognizing and valuing the abilities of team members
- combining effort in order to achieve collective outcomes
- applying collaborative decision making
- developing positive student-teacher-parent relationships
- developing partnerships with the College community members
- having responsibility to each other
- working together to improve the quality of education
- developing and modelling effective self-discipline
| - I actively participate and contribute in group work
- I actively support others and listen to their inputs, seeking first to understand
- I provide opportunities for effective collaborative work
- I meaningfully consult with others
- I share my skills with others to develop mutual professional understanding and growth
- I accept communal responsibilities for a healthy and safe workplace
- I willingly cooperate effectively with others