From the Principal

Dear families
Welcome to Term 2! We hope that your children have had a great end of term break and are ready for the exciting term ahead. For our new Receptions they will reach the 100 days at school milestone this term and we look forward to celebrating with them! We also welcome twelve new students this week to our school community.
National Sorry Day is on 26 May followed by Reconciliation week , 27 May to 3 June. The theme is Be a voice for generations. Our work on our Reconciliation Action Plan formalises this term with the working party meeting to document our proposed actions. Our Aboriginal families are leading this work through their engagement in our Language and Culture room and we are grateful for their involvement. Please see Chris, Kayleen or Danny if you wish to be involved.
Parents engaging with school
Healthy Eating is a focus - introducing fruit and vegetable tastings at the canteen