Reflection on the Easter Triduum

Term 1, 2023

Jesus is condemned to death 

Think of when you have had to stand tall in the face of ridicule – when children question your values, friends disagree with your parenting habits or when the whole shopping centre watches as your toddler throws a tantrum. 

Lord, help me to stand up for what I believe in the midst of ridicule.


Jesus carries the cross 

You carry your cross with every burden that being a parent places on your shoulders – the nights worrying about the son/daughter who is out late with their friends. The hours, weeks and months caring for a sick child or the fights with your adolescent child. 

Jesus, I know that I will experience difficult times as a parent. Help me to put up with these for the sake of my family. 


Jesus falls 

As a parent, you are often wounded. You fall under the weight of the parenting cross, you are exhausted from lack of sleep, you temporarily lose your way and you feel you can’t keep it together. 

Lord, give me the strength to stand up after I fall. 


Jesus meets his mother

You can be lifted by those who share your pain – your friends and loved ones who feel helpless as you care for a sick child, support a struggling student or work with an oppositional child. 

Lord, thank you for those who support me and care in difficult times.


Simon carries Jesus’ cross 

So often, people help you carry the parenting cross – your partner, your own parents, teachers, doctors, friends, and other parents. 

Lord bless those who help me along the way. 


Veronica wipes Jesus’ face 

For those moments of grace when you wiped food from the toddler’s chin or soaked sweat from the forehead of the child with fever. 

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to make a difference in my family’s lives.


Jesus speaks to the Holy Women

There are times when you are wounded but minister to others. The sick mother who continues to take the kids to school, get the ironing done or go to work. The dad who is exhausted from shiftwork but kicks the ball with his son at the park. 

Lord, may I always see others in need.


Jesus is stripped of his garments

There are times when earthly possessions are taken away through disaster, loss of employment, struggle with interest rates, loss or theft. 

Jesus, may we never get caught up with earthly possessions but remember the value of your Kingdom. 


Jesus is nailed to the cross

Sometimes you are helpless and unable to minister to your family because of illness, mental anguish, divorce, separation or travel. 

Lord, help us in our own suffering so that some good may come from our struggle. 


Jesus dies on the cross 

There are losses along the way. You sometimes experience dark times that are not life-giving. You struggle with the pressures of life. 

Lord be with me in my hours of need.


The Resurrection 

Many parenting experiences have “resurrection” possibilities. Your soul is raised when your child says, “I love you”. You see them graduate, win their soccer game, do well in an exam, overcome an obstacle, bounce back from an illness, get a job, meet a life-giving partner. These hope-filled moments of glory see us triumph over struggles, difficult situations and dark times. 

“God comes to us disguised as everyday life.” Christ is with us in our ups and downs. That’s where we find Him.