Cebula Boarding
Boarding News
We welcomed the boys back to the Cebula Boarding Community for Term 2 last week along with two new additions, Beau and Taj who have settled well and are already enjoying their boarding experience.
After a short week it was straight into winter sport fixtures last weekend with over half the boys braving the cooler early morning starts with some games scheduled as early as 8:30am across the metropolitan area. Thank you to all the day families who transport the boarders to these weekly games, your support is very much appreciated.
Along with over 30,000 boarders cross Australia, we will be celebrating National Boarding Week from May 14th to 21st with a variety of events and activities to both celebrate our boarders, promote the Cebula boarding house to the wider community and recognise the efforts of our dedicated boarding staff. The week provides the opportunity for Cebula boarders to say thank you to the vast networks of support that ensures a positive experience during their school journey and provide a wonderful environment for boys to learn and extend themselves inside and outside the classroom.
This week, along with students from St Brigid’s, a number of our boys took part in a promo shoot for our forthcoming Northwest/Pilbara road trip in mid-June. Thank you to Beau, Ethan, Caleb, Chase and Noku for their help with this.
Annamaria Cream
Director of Boarding