Every Opportunity taken

Goulburn Murray LLEN
Industry Tour
On Thursday 12th September 2019 a group of students from Cobram SC visited local workplaces to see first-hand what it’s like to work in different industry areas. The tour provided an opportunity to gain an understanding of the businesses and see the various job opportunities that are available in the local region. Thank you to Crow Constructions, CPE Construction, Recopak and Booths Transport for giving up their time and supporting us on this industry tour. The information, key messages and advice they provided was really beneficial to our students.
Thanks again for support provided by businesses involved and Moira Shire Council and Cobram Community House Inc.
Speed Careering Event - MOIRA Future Skills
Future Jobs ROADSHOW
Students from Cobram SC enjoyed the Speed Careering event held in the school hall on Monday 2nd September 2019.
This event provided students with the opportunity to hear from professionals and guest speakers from various industries and organisations.
A big thank you to the following businesses who gave up their valuable time to present to us:
Also special thanks to the Moira Shire Council and Goulburn Murray LLEN for organising this fantastic event.
Students enjoyed listening to the various presenters, please see below for some quotes from our Year 9 students:
‘The careers day was really informative. It was interesting and I learnt new things, I now know what I want to do when I finish school’ – Merelita
‘I enjoyed the hospitality, agriculture and military sessions’ – Jordan
‘I feel I have some more confidence for the future from all the tips I’ve been given and I am now more inspired for job ideas and future careers’ – Betheney
‘I liked how they explained that there is more than just one job in one industry. It was very informative’ – Jye
‘I thought it was good to listen to them to see what they’ve done to get to where they are now. It was good, we should do it again!’ – Tessa
‘I learnt that when you apply for a job they can check your Facebook page and social media’ – Cass
‘There are many options out there for you to do something you like’ - Elmo
‘The session was helpful as I was set on doing one job and hadn’t considered any other occupations. Now I’m interested in other occupations’ - Indy
Moira Youth Council
The Moira Youth Council representatives travelled to Numurkah for a session with guest speaker Nathan Hulls. Nathan is a leading youth motivational speaker, he speaks from his own experience of growing up with a disability and suffering the loss of his mother. The session was really interesting and we learnt a lot from it, mainly how to keep positive and the definition of success is our own. Cody D.
Will Hoyle Wood Chopper
Congratulations to Year 9 student Will Hoyle who has been competing at the Royal Adelaide Show. He represented Victoria in two events, Under 17 title and Novice Underhand Woodchop and won them both. Now Will is competing at the Royal Melbourne Show. Good luck Will.
Cows Create Careers
See you again Ted and Blue.
Today we farewelled our calves, Ted and Blue that we looked after through the Cows Create Careers program. Huge thanks to super farmer Andrew Wilson for providing us with calves to love and care for and for coming in on weekends to feed the calves.
Dodge Ball
Dodge Ball re-match
Staff Engagement
Staff meeting during Term 3, teachers participated in professional learning. They engaged in peer observations to improve classroom practice by reviewing videos of classrooms and discussion.