News and Notices 

From the Principal

What a fun and happy afternoon we had on Friday at our swimming carnival! It was wonderful to finally be able to utilise the pool and do something that is on our annual calendar. The only part missing was our wonderful parent community, and we are counting on your support for our biathlon on Wednesday 13 April 2022 at 1.30pm. Please come along and cheer and help the children change into their running shoes. We cannot wait to have you back in the school.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our children at our three-way conferences. It is a great opportunity for the children to talk about their learning and school experiences. Do remember though, that you are welcome to make an appointment and catch up with your child's teacher at any stage. 


Last week, we also had a visit from our favourite police officer, Constable Louise. She brought in some resources and read a story to Waahi Koru and Waahi Pitau. She will visit us again next term to do some road safety with the children.

Thank you

Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has contributed groceries to our families who were forced to isolate with COVID. Your wonderful, ongoing generosity is much appreciated.


I would also like to thank Garrett for taking on our wasp invasion and James for providing boards for our whole school art project.

Working Bee - Saturday 7 May 9 - 11 (Date to be confirmed)

We are looking to run a working bee at the start of next term. We want to give all the windows a really good clean, sand and stain some outdoor furniture, and do some weeding and weed whacking in the field behind the pool shed. If there was enough time and interest, I would love to work on the old "baby pool" making that into a rockery or flower garden of some sort.

Health and Safety Information

As you are aware, we are still operating at the Red Setting of the Covid Protection Framework, but there have been a few changes that do affect schools as of 11.59pm on Monday 4 April 2022.

  • Vaccinations will no longer be mandated for school staff. 
  • We are able to gather together outside. This means we can go ahead with our biathlon and our students do not need to be separated into different outside play areas.
  • You no longer need to scan the QR code at school.

We do still need to wear masks inside and keep up our cleaning routines. Ayone who comes to school sick or becomes unwell during the day, will still be sent home.


If you have any specific questions, please contact me on

School Donation

You would have recently recieved a request for a school donation of $280 for one child or $560 for a family. This is a donation and not a fee, so it is your choice whether ot not you decide to pay this money. However, I would like to strongly encourage you to consider paying at least something. As a small school, we depend on your donation to keep the school up and running, and ensuring equitable access to all things educational, sporting, and cultural for all our tamariki.  Every little bit helps and is received with thanks.

Life Education Trust

Everyone's favourite giraffe, Harold, is coming to school on 12 and 13 April 2022. There is a charge of $8. A permission slip will be coming out next week. The children have two sessions in the Life Education Caravan.

Rippa Rugby

And talking about getting back to normal, it is looking as if the Rippa Rugby Festival will be going ahead this year! We will be taking part at WIndsor Park rather than at Helensville, as it is much closer. We hope to enter two teams - a Year 3/4 team and a Year 5/6 team. There is a nominal charge for taking part, usually about $5. Look out for information and permission slips coming home soon.

Teacher-Only Day

Thursday 14 April 2022 is a teacher only day. School will not be open for students on this day. Our staff will be doing professional development on dyslexia.

Old Mobile Phones

Do you have an old phone that you no longer use and would be happy to wipe clean and donate to the school? We are able to connect the phones to our internet and the children can then use them to take photos of their work or use some of the educational apps that are available.

Tying up Long Hair

I would really recommend that everyone with long hair, ties it up. It is much easier in the heat and with swimming if hair is neat and tidy. It also helps to stop the spread of nits.

Tough Guy and Gal Challenge (Mud Run)

Permission slips have been sent home to those children who said they were interested in doing  the Mud Run in August. It is usually a fun day and is a great lesson in resillience for our children. We need lots of parent helpers to help keep track of the children once they have finished the run as they finish at different times. There is a charge of $25, but please contact me if you need help paying this amount - I do not want anyone to miss out.

Fruit for Morning Tea

Does anyone have any fruit growing in their gardens that they would be able to donate to the school  for the children to eat at morning tea.

New Telephone Number

We have received notification that our landline is going to be disconnected. We will only have the mobile number 027 593 5963.


If your child is going to be away from school, please either email Kalene on or phone and leave a message on the answer phone. We need to follow up every day.