
Partnerships between family and school  

Parent Teacher Interviews.

 It is that time of year again where families and teachers come together to share knowledge about our children in a formal manner. We are fortunate to be able to communicate regularly with each other via emails and Seesaw, but interviews give us all that time to stop and sit with each other.


This set of interviews is a time for families to share their knowledge about their child with teachers. We acknowledge that families are the first educators of our children. We know that by listening to families and learning about what our children enjoy, how they learn, what their strengths are and what they find challenging, we can help them to enjoy richer experiences at school, and achieve greater success. 


Please come to your interview next week ready to share things about your child that you know will help their teacher build a stronger relationship with them. Today we will send a form home with your child for you to fill out and return to your child's teacher.  It is our hope that this form will assist you to reflect on what you want to share with you child's teacher. Teachers will keep these forms to refer back to as the year goes on.


I know all of the teachers enjoy sitting with parents at the beginning of each year and learning more about their students. It is an important process in our building and maintaining working partnerships between school and families so that we can all do our best for our children. 


At St Anne's we spend a lot of time reflecting on how we can connect and engage families in our school community. Below is a document we refer to when reflecting on everyone's role in our community to work in partnership with each other. 


Valenkind's day 

Last week I wrote about our focus on Bucket Filling. I hope that some of you had time to watch the YouTube clip with your children, or ask them to teach you about what a bucket filler is. The front cover of our newsletter this week is a photo of our whole school display of how to be a bucket filler. Each child wrote or drew an example of being a bucket filler and we are all enjoying looking at it each time we are in the corridor. 


Have a lovely week everyone

Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader