Discovery Centre


Wow, what a wonderful week we have had in the Discovery Centre! The Foundation students have done a fantastic job in their second week of school and we are so proud of how they have settled in. They are working hard and becoming familiar with the routines and expectations of the classroom. 


In Literacy students were introduced the codes that we use to help with reading and writing by learning that sounds of the first four codes. Throughout this year they will learn and practice the 70 codes. I wonder if your child can tell you all five sounds that a makes! 

Our focus for Mathematics was to practise counting and making numbers out of hands on materials. Students were provided with lots of different opportunities to practise their counting by using an abacus, dice, tens frames and different counters. Using these concrete materials will help students develop a strong foundation of skills they will use in many areas of their lives.


This week students attended their first specialist classes, where they were very excited and eager to meet their Indonesian teacher Bu Mundy, P.E teacher Mrs B and Visual Arts teacher Mrs Gill. This was a huge highlight of the week. A reminder that every Monday students will have P.E, so please ensure they have appropriate footwear. The excitement didn’t stop at their new specialist classes, Foundation students also attended their very first PMP session. The Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) is a movement-based program which helps students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills.


Parent-Teacher conferences are taking place this week. This ten minute interview is an opportunity for you to chat to your child’s teacher and for them to find out more about your child. If you were unable to make an appointment on Sentral, your classroom teacher will assign one for you and contact you with the details. These meetings will be conducted in your child’s classroom. We will cater for social distancing, but will be required to wear masks as we will be indoors. 


Student Voice

Students were asked what their favourite activity was this week

  • Abdutt R -  "I loved PE with Mrs B" 
  • Olivia F - "PMP was so much fun" 
  • William J - "I loved jumping on the trampoline in PMP" 
  • Emma C - "I liked writing letters"


  • As we are a SunSmart school we ask that your child keeps their labelled school hat at school. You may also provide sunscreen for them to reapply throughout the day, your child's teacher will remind them to do so.
  • Eating Times - We provide Foundation students with additional eating time as they become more familiar with routines. Lunch: 10.40 (sandwich, pasta, rice, roll etc. and perhaps a piece of fruit). Snack 1:40 (fruit, yoghurt, popcorn etc.).
  • Please ensure you only pack water for your child to drink throughout the day. No flavoured milk or juice.

Pupil of the Week

FH: Nathan K -

For working hard on our class goal to show 'Give Me Five' listening. It is fantastic to see you carefully listening to stories, instructions and to your friends. Keep it up Nathan!


FG: Caleb G -

For working hard towards achieving our class goal as you show 'Give Me Five' listening in the classroom. It has been great to see you trying your best! Keep it up, Caleb!


FJ: Kaia D -

For settling in well to the routines and expectations of school. You always try your best and demonstrate the school value of respect in your interactions with peers and teachers. Congratulations on a great start to school Kaia!