Inquiry Centre


What a fantastic week in the Inquiry Centre! The teachers have been so impressed with how well students have settled into their new classroom routines. Thank you to families for all the support in getting students to school. 


In Wellbeing this week students explored the Zones of Regulation and came up with personal strategies to support them getting back into the Green Zone when they are at school. Look out for these Zones on Seesaw in the coming week! During our Library time, students had the opportunity to explore different types of fiction and non fiction texts. Guided Inquiry sessions this week involved us exploring what makes us all unique. Students experimented with different ways to see their fingerprints and conducted a science experiment to transfer their prints to paper. Science this week saw us taking a trip to the garden to investigate worms. Students were able to describe what a living thing is and compare living worms to some sour worms! 


During literacy sessions, students continued to learn about the features of fiction and non fiction texts. They investigated the features of non fiction books, such as titles, contents, captions, diagrams and images. You may like to continue this discussion at home when reading with your child, asking them what type of book they are reading and what makes them think that.


For Writing this week, we have been focusing on brainstorming key words and ideas that we can use when writing our personal recounts. Students practised using past tense verbs and emotions to engage their reading when describing events that have already occurred. Students also had the opportunity to prepare and present SRC speeches to their classes outlining why they would make a good leader for the Inquiry Centre. Badges will be presented to each grades SRC leaders at our whole school assembly this week on Friday.

We have some very confident mathematicians in the Inquiry centre which was evident in our multiple lessons this week. Students explored the patterns they could find when skip counting, starting with 2’s and looking at some other numbers later in sessions. The 1/2 teachers were so impressed with how students used the maths key words to describe the patterns they could see when making multiples with their counters, hundreds charts, tally marks and place value tables. 


We can not wait for another fantastic week of school, have a wonderful week!

Miss Glen, Mrs Martin, Miss Molloy, Mrs Seadon, Mr Shaw, Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Tang

Student Voice

What was your favourite part about our week in 1/2K?

  • Jana A - "I liked doing multiples with the hopscotch!" 
  • Evan C - "I liked writing our recounts"
  • Nivas V - "My favourite thing was reading non fiction books!"


  • Students should bring and keep labelled headphones to use while at school
  • Donation of tissue boxes to use in the classroom would be greatly appreciated
  • 1/2 Information Night - Thursday 17th February from 6:30pm

Mprps is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 2429 8708 Passcode: a5swYp 

Pupil of the Week

1/2ET: Jordan S -

For demonstrating perseverance when writing his SRC speech. You challenged yourself to include extra detail and we are proud of your efforts. Keep up the great work Jordan!


1/2G: Ruben O -

 For demonstrating outstanding responsibility and love of learning while in the library. It was fantastic to see you reading non-fiction books with your peers and then helping return books correctly to their shelves. Keep it up, Ruben!


1/2K: Nethun S -

For demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning when you were finding patterns in your multiples. You used your keywords and hundreds chart to describe your noticings. Fantastic work Nethun!


1/2M: Samreet G -

For demonstrating a love of learning by working hard on all tasks this week. In particular, fantastic work on your recounts by including so much detail in your writing! Amazing effort Samreet! 


1/2SS: Jerry J -

 For demonstrating bravery and a love of learning when presenting your SRC speech. Your ideas were clear and concise and you delivered your speech with confidence. Wonderful effort Jerry!