Independence Centre


Selamat siang!


We have had another fantastic week with the 3/4 students, settling well into the routine of school and setting up great expectations for the year ahead!


In Writing this week, students demonstrated their independence by developing ‘SMART’ goals for Term 1. This includes a writing, reading, maths and personal goal, supported by strategies that can help them achieve this goal. I wonder if your child can remember what each letter represents when writing ‘SMART’ goals?


In Reading, we began working on our goals and setting up our reading journal to collect evidence of our work. Students were given access to their Digital Reading Log where students are expected to read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of their book and the pages they read in their logs. They are also encouraged to leave at least one detailed comment a week in response to their reading. This comment may be a new word they learned, a connection they made within the book, an evidence supported reason on their favourite character and why or a summary of the text section they read with key points etc.


In Mathematics, students continued their practise and understanding of Place Value through specific individual, grouped, whole class activities and games. These tasks were influenced by the pre-assessment we conducted last week and students’ needs. We looked at reorganising numbers, identifying numbers in expanded form, and renaming such as 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred. 


In Wellbeing sessions, the students have been discussing what the different Zones of Regulation represent and strategies they can use to support their emotional wellbeing when in these zones.

Following our Cyber Safety day last week, we have been very excited to incorporate a balanced use of digital technology within the classroom. There will be days where students use their device for a lesson or a small portion of a task or offline on paper with no technology at all. 


Thank you to all parents that came along to our Senior Information Night. It was fantastic to have so many families join us! Please remember if you have any questions to contact your child’s teacher through Sentral or send a message to the school email.


We hope you have a fantastic week,

Miss Richardson, Mrs McCoy, Miss Honan, Mr O’Connor, Miss Chooi and Miss Wang 

Student Voice

  • Xavier H - “I liked doing the maths 100 chart puzzles”
  • Parezae F - “I liked filling in my reading log because it encourages me to do more reading”
  • Monica T - “I liked cooking with Bu Mundy and eating flat bread”
  • Alice C - "I have enjoyed doing writing”


  • Ensure you child has all apps downloaded to their ipad
  • Students need hats and water bottles each day
  • Students need their own pair of headphones at school
  • Please finalise and complete any Sentral consent forms

Pupil of the Week

3/4C: Milla K -

For demonstrating curiosity and love of learning while participating in our group discussions about ‘The Day the Crayon’s Quit’. You listened to others’ ideas respectfully and challenged them to provide reasoning and develop different perspectives. Marvellous, Milla!


3/4H: Isla S -

For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning when completing your Hundreds Chart Coded Puzzle. It was wonderful to see you using teamwork to reorder the puzzle and achieve success. Impressive Isla!


3/4M: Ryan M -

For settling into the routines of MPRPS with excellence! You have become a confident member of our class, setting an example as a role model and challenging yourself to work to the best of your ability. Radiant, Ryan! 


3/4O: Nathan E -

For demonstrating teamwork and a love of learning as you work with your classmates to compare and classify living and non-living things. Notable Nathan!


3/4R: Monica T -

For demonstrating a love of learning when creating your SMART goals for Term 1. You have developed a range of strategies that will help you towards achieving your goals. Magnificent, Monica! 


3/4W: Charlie W -

For demonstrating a Love of Learning when completing your learning tasks! You have applied yourself and present your work with pride and it is fantastic to see you celebrating your successes. Congratulations Charlie!