Leadership Centre


Selamat siang!

We are right into the swing of things now  and it is great to see the enthusiasm and engagement continue. We are very pleased with the students' application thus far. 


For Wellbeing this week, students explored a range of concepts around positive and negative emotions and recognising what they are and when they occur. Students provided examples of situations when positive and negative emotions can arise as well as situations where we experience a mix of both. Using a list of emotions students recorded situations where these emotions are present and performed role-play to see them in action. We believe that some students may have learned a range of new emotions and will have applied these within their ethical dilemma stories completed in Writing. 

In Literacy, students learnt about the ideas of an ethical dilemma and the experiences someone goes through when they face an ethical dilemma. Students finished the week by writing their own ethical dilemma story, having learnt about the meaning of the word ethical, discussing the choices that would have to be made as well as the consequences of those choices. A focus for our students during this unit is to create strong Tightening Tension scenes using the 5+1 senses. In depicting a scene with tense moments and descriptive language using the 5+1 senses, students are making the reader feel a part of the dilemma the character faces. We hope you enjoy reading these dilemmas when the students post them on Seesaw! 

In Mathematics, students continued to expand on their knowledge of Number and Place Value. To begin the week, classes engaged themselves in a Maths Masterclass where students worked in mixed classes to cover a range of different Mathemtics concepts. These Masterclasses are designed to cover very specific misconceptions the students experienced in their initial assessment and we observed there were many “aha” moments during these Masterclasses. Students continued to develop their understanding of number and place value through a range of activities including using number expanders, working out 100 more and 100 less of six digit numbers and also remembering the various types of number sets. These include composite, triangular, prime and irrational numbers.    

Have a great week!


The Leadership Centre Teachers

Student Voice

  • Liam W - "Last week was a great week, we're always looking to improve and learn new things! Practice, practice, practice!"
  • Holly Y - "The Maths Masterclass was really good, learning about qualitative thinking." 
  • William L - "I really enjoyed making my number expander, folding and then looking at what numbers were in each Place Value"  


  • Ensure you child has all apps downloaded to their ipad
  • Students need hats and water bottles each day

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Ava M -

Congratulations on using perseverance and love of learning to achieve your Maths goal Ava. You made sure you checked the numbers were in the correct Place Value and asked the right questions. Well done Ava!


5/6C: Tonya Z -

Congratulations on an excellent start to the year in your new learning centre, Tonya. You have worked hard to ensure you complete each task to a high standard and consistently contribute thoughtful ideas during our whole class discussions. Terrific work Tonya! 


5/6D: Matthew M -

Amazing work responding to feedback and challenging yourself in Mathemtics throughout the week! It was awesome to see you demonstrate the strength 'love of learning'. Magnificent Matthew!


5/6EB: Cadie S -

For showing an exemplary attitude to your learning and always willing to challenge yourself. Thank you for being a positive role model to your peers! Keep it up, Cadie! 


5/6W: Hussain K -

For demonstrating the character strengths of perspective and judgment when writing your Ethical Dilemma Narrative. You explained the consequences the character could face in great detail, using descriptive phrases! Great work, Hussain!