Two much fun!

It just didn’t seem right to let a day like the second day of the second month of twenty twenty two (2.2.22) go unmarked! So, on that day we held a special day of two related activities.
The SRC sold 2 scoops of ice cream, we had a tower building competition (two towers of course), we had to find matching pairs in a sort of Treasure Hunt (thanks Coby and Myrtle for helping with that).
We found out that most of us could only eat 2 SAO biscuits in 2 minutes, despite predictions of 30 and more!
We played the chocolate game with 2 dice. We did 2 legged races and balanced 2 bean bags on heads.
We did squash paintings which had 2 sides and a line of symmetry down the middle… and more!
In fact, it is almost tooooooo much to tell!
Thanks to the SRC for once again working hard on the ice cream stall, collecting money and constructing beautiful ice creams and then cleaning up. Great job and great day!
Term One Overview
Every Monday of the Term
2pm Volleyball
Every Friday of the Term
2pm Gymnastics
Week 8
Monday 21st March - Harmony Day
Week 10
Thursday 7th April - Landcare Talk