Safe travels... virtually!

Artists at work

Virtual Excursions

With COVID still restricting our movements and preventing excursions, the only option is to travel virtually! On Wednesday, the 16th of February, the whole school joined up with a video link to The National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. 

Our host (who was very excited – see photo) showed us a number of different portraits from the gallery (Nick Cave, Nora Heysen and Ken Done, who hid two faces in his portrait) and then we also did some activities. One of the activities was to draw a continuous line portrait with our eyes closed! It was a lot of fun and the whole “trip” was very enlightening.

Some comments from the children were:

I love art now! – Akasha

They used to do self- portraits because they didn’t have enough money to hire a model. – Marshall

I think it was kind of awesome, because the hidden face was like wearing a mask of happiness, but behind the mask, it was sadness. – River

The second virtual excursion was on Monday, 21st February and once again, all the students participated. This one was about creating a map with your own special features on it (e.g castles, lands, Minecraft) and then imagining a story from that map. It came to us from The National Library and it was really a great learning experience.

Best of all, there was no cost for entry or a bus! All free!