Inside the Classroom


Primary students and staff are very happy to have returned to school for a fantastic 2022. This term, Primary classes will participate in Swim School (week 4 -6). Classes have begun additional activities including music with Mrs Lloyd, spa, library with Ms Scurrah and class outings. Class teachers have sent out invites to join SeeSaw. This is an important way to maintain communication between home and school.


Mrs Kari Priest

Primary Leader

Stage 4

Stage 4 have had a fantastic start to 2022 with a number of new students joining our school for the first time. It has been great to see both students and staff settling so well into their new rooms, making new friends and enjoying being back at school. This year we have 3 classes in Stage 4 and Mrs Cassie Lloyd is the stage leader. Students will engage with a range of subjects inside and outside of their own classes - Mrs Callaway will be teaching Mandatory Technology, Miss Evans - Science, Mrs Sharpe - Geography/History and Mrs Lloyd - German. Make sure to ask the students to share some of the new words and phrases they have learnt! 


Introducing Class 14

Class 14 are taught by Mrs Emily Callaway and supported by Miss Georgie. A warm welcome to Riley who is new this year. He has demonstrated such a positive attitude toward his learning, to building new connections with staff and peers and his love for anything 'sports related' is clear for all to see!  All students have loved reconnecting with their friends and staff members. They have been working super hard completing check-in assessments and have made the most of brain breaks using the Engine Room, Oval, The Zone, Gym and the class “Chillout Zone”. 


Highlights for the students have been:

  • Logan - “Loom banding during mindfulness time.”
  • Tully – “Decorating our room with our artworks.”
  • Ivy – “Having Miss Georgie and Mrs Callaway again.”
  • David – “Going to the Engine Room for brain breaks.”
  • Riley G – “Talking with my friends in our Chill Zone.”
  • Riley R – “Having cake for my birthday with my new friends.”
  • Miss Georgie – “I love doing maths! Of course!”

Class 14 has also created a class mascot called “Bob”. 


Stage 4 have also been getting to know one another during combined PE sessions and can be seen below showing great teamwork and having a fantastic time together in the beautiful sunshine.

Mrs Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

Stage 5 students and staff are excited to be back at school and are ready for a great year ahead. The past couple of weeks have been busy getting to know each other and seeing all the fantastic things our students are capable of. For Curiosity Clubs this year students will be studying one of the following, Aboriginal Studies; Design and Technology; Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS). We are so excited to dust off the boats and see our students learning to sail after a couple of years off the water.


Introducing Class 9 

Class 9 is taught by Mrs Cunial and Mrs Said, and supported by Mrs Wykes. The boys in class 9 have demonstrated grit and curiosity when completing the start of year assessments. We can’t wait to see your growth throughout the year. The boys are working towards gaining skills to support them in becoming respectful community members including discussions around work experience options and practicing their Driver's Knowledge Test. Congratulations to Callum who has started working at McDonalds. We are so proud! Happy Birthday to Callum and Zane who both celebrated birthdays at the start of the year. 


Mrs Elke Cunial

Stage Leader

Stage 6

Stage 6 students and staff were excited to return to school in 2022 and are looking forward to a fun year ahead. Year 11 students were welcomed into stage 6 with a presentation created by the year 12 students explaining their new timetable, subjects, expectations and the senior space. Since returning from holidays we have caught up on missed Birthdays over the holidays and celebrated a special 18th Birthday for Breanna. 

Stage 6 students have enjoyed accessing the oval during break 1 playing games, walking around the oval, jumping on the trampoline and socialising with friends. At lunch time students in Stage 6 have access to the senior space, a seniors only playground outside their classrooms. The students have been enjoy listening to music, gardening, playing board games and handball. 

Sport officially starts back in week 4 but students in Stage 6 played a very competitive and fun game of kickball for sport this week. There was great work, encouragement and sporting spirit by all students. 

Stage 6 is a busy stage with many amazing staff supporting students in multiple areas around the school and community for work experience.  Work experience will be starting up in the next few weeks. 

Class 1: 

Teacher – Jess Hodder (Mon-Wed, Friday)                             

Teacher – Julianne Hargraves (Thursday) 

SLSO – Toot Keegan

Class 2:                             

Teacher – Hayley Marsden        

SLSO – Bree Cowden         

Class 3:                             

Teacher – Selina Sutherland                

SLSO – EJ Snowden 

Class 4:                             

Teacher – Andrew Moor                      

SLSO – Emma Jeffery

Additional staff: 

David Gell – Skills House Teacher and VET teacher (Tuesday & Thursday) 

Matty Georgiou – Job Coach 

Donna McKellar – Additional SLSO Tuesday & Thursday 

On Tuesday all students tuned in for the zoom presentation of our new school leaders and were congratulated by their peers. All year 12 students are commended for participating in the Senior Leaders Campaign whereby students were required to write a speech, make a presentation or a poster to encourage their Anson Street School peers to vote for them. 


Jess Hodder 

Stage Leader 


What a great start to the year on The Campus. We are busy getting back into the routine of the school day. There has been lots of great learning happening in classrooms as well as a lot of physical activity and brain breaks outside.

Students are loving the challenge of the new playground equipment.

There are some new staff joining the Campus this year.


Ms Auld
Mrs Bradbury
Mrs Griffen
Ms Auld
Mrs Bradbury
Mrs Griffen

Ms Serena Auld is teaching in Class 18  and Mrs Cathy Bradbury is teaching in OLC1.

They bring a wealth of experience and enthusiasm and have settled in well to the Campus team.

Mrs Kate Griffen has also joined the Campus team as the Head Teacher Campus and is enjoying her new role.


We are looking forward to the new Campus transport drop-off and pick-up area being operational soon. There are a few finishing touches that need to be made. Parents will be notified as soon as this area is ready for use.


Mrs Kate Griffen 

Head Teacher Campus