What's Happening

Transport around the school

School drop-off and pick-up times are very busy on the roads and in the carpark. There are two drop-off locations in the morning: the front Anson Street drive-through for all Assisted School Travel vehicles, taxis, vans and students with mobility needs and, the Lords Place drive-through at the back of the school for parent/carer drop off. Both locations are open at 8:45am and are supervised by staff until 9:00am. After this time the gates and doors are locked and all late students must enter through the front office. 


There is a supervised early birds area open from 8:30am for students arriving before the first bell. Access is through the front pedestrian gate on Anson Street.


In the afternoon there are two pick up locations: the front Anson Street drive-through for all Assisted School Travel vehicles, taxis, vans and students with mobility needs and, the Lords Place drive-through at the back of the school for parent/carer pick up. If you are parking and walking to the Lords Place exit gates, please park on the north side of the driveway and wait clear of the pedestrian gate on the grass area so that students do not have to walk in front of vehicles to your parked car.


In a few weeks' time, the Campus transport will be open for parents/carers to drop off and pick up students.  Let's all work together to ensure our students are safe.


Mrs Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal


Clothing Pool

The school has many school uniform items that are donated each year ranging in sizes to suit students in Kindergarten to Year 12.  If you would like a secondhand, good quality item for your child, please let your child's teacher know and they can organise to send the item home. 


If you would like to make a small donation this can be accepted through the office, but there is no obligation to pay for these items. 


Clothing items can also be donated through the office. For further information please contact the front office on 6362 4563. 

Student Assistance Scheme

The Department of Education’s Student Assistance Scheme provides funds for families having difficulties meeting the financial requirements related to the education of their children. This could include low-income families or families experiencing financial difficulties. This assistance can be used for subject contributions, excursions, uniforms etc. The school is provided with funding and distributes this on a needs basis and all applications are confidential. 


If you would like to access these funds please ask the classroom teacher or office for an application form, or contact the Principal directly. 

Student Fees

Invoices for the 2022 Transport Fee and Voluntary Contributions will be sent out next week. Fees for 2022 will remain the same as 2021.


Transport Fee 

$15/term or $60/year with payments due at the start of each term.

OR $3 per individual trip

This covers a range of local community outings including shopping, visiting the library, museum, art gallery and adventure playground, etc depending on the class.  


Voluntary Contributions 

$50 per year


Sport Fee and Sport Transport 

Students who choose a paid sport pay $3/week

Students who choose a sport that involves transport will have an additional sport transport fee of $3/week



Excursions incur an additional cost and will be dependent on the distance. Parents will be given plenty of notice if their child's class is going on an excursion.


All student medication must be signed in at the office by an adult. Medication must be in the original box/packet, with student name, current use by date and the dosage required. Expired medication or medication not needed anymore must be signed back out when collected. 


Mrs Lindy Owens

School Administration Manager