Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Positive Behaviour for Learning is actively practiced by all students and staff at Anson Street School and maintains a safe, productive and positive environment for all members of the school community.

PBL is based on a school-wide set of expectations which apply across the school in every setting.


Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe


These expectations have been developed for each school setting.  They define our expectations for behaviour. Explicit lessons are designed and taught to all classes throughout the year.

Expectations are clear and displayed prominently around the school.   


The current PBL focus is:

Let's be cool and get back to school!


Mrs Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator



Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PW4L)

This year we have created a new Positive Wellbeing for Learning Team that will meet fortnightly to develop and implement exciting whole school resources, activities and events to support student and staff wellbeing across the whole school community. We already have some fantastic ideas for creating a guided "sensory walk" around the vineyard and playground. We are hoping that the team will grow to include student contributions and family involvement. Watch this space for our first exciting project!

Character Pillars

Our school is focused on positive education and we promote a positive mindset by teaching the school's character pillars of kindness, gratitude, curiosity and hope. 


Shake Bar

Each class selects one student from their class who has achieved the most character awards for the fortnight. This student is rewarded with a choice of a milkshake, popcorn or ice-block from Shake Bar held in the cafe. 


Character Pillar awards are given to students for showing kindness, gratitude, curiosity or hope in the playground or classroom and are entered into our school system called Sentral. 


This Friday afternoon will be our first session and secondary students will enjoy Shake Bar while primary students attend assembly. Next week secondary will attend assembly and primary students will enjoy Shake Bar. 


Mrs Jenny Rosser

Instuctional Leader, Wellbeing