From the Principal

Welcome back.  It has been wonderful to see so many happy, smiling faces around the school over the last couple of weeks. Even though we are continuing with masks, Rapid Antigen tests and some restrictions due to COVID, the school vibe is very positive. 


We return this year with many of our building projects completed over the holidays. We have a new transport area on Lords Place and the shed next to this area will be completed this term. The Campus Transport is also nearing completion and this will allow for safe drop off and pick up of students on the campus site and parking for staff. This is a much-needed addition to our school that will help get traffic off Anson Street. 


Our General Assistant team of Anthony, Megan, Bill, Ian, Lachie, Maurice and Pat worked tirelessly over the holiday period to construct new playground equipment on the campus site and prepare the oval ready for use this year. After 6 months without an oval, it is fantastic to see students playing on the back oval and enjoying the space again. We have new playground equipment on the way for the oval, so students will enjoy new climbing and sensory equipment very soon. We will also be giving the primary playground a face-lift and adding new equipment to this space. 


Congratulations to Mrs Jessica Hodder and Mrs Elke Cunial who accepted permanent positions as Assistant Principals. Our executive team now consists of 13 staff with 3 Deputy Principals, 1 Head Teacher, 6 Assistant Principals,1 Senior Psychologist, our Admin Manager and me. We intend to be focussed on the best for your child throughout 2022 and hope to be able to open the school soon to visitors to show off many new areas that have been created or updated over the last 2 years. 


Our school website provides information about your child's stage of learning, our staff, school plans and policies. Please visit the website and FaceBook site regularly to find out more about what is happening around our school. Teachers have set up SeeSaw groups again for communication, but Communication Books are still an important way of communicating with you. 


Two packets of Rapid Antigen tests have been sent home with your child/ward today for the next 2 weeks. Taking a RAT each day will ensure we keep everyone safe, but as mentioned previously in letters home, these are not mandatory. If your child has cold and flu-like symptoms, please keep them at home until they are well and if anyone becomes COVID positive please notify the school. 


I look forward to seeing parents and guardians visiting the school over the next few weeks as Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) meetings are held on-site. These meetings are an important time to update information about your child and set meaningful learning goals with your child's teacher. A separate note will be distributed and bookings will be online through the Sentral parent portal. If you are not connected please contact the school for more information. 


School sport starts next week so please send your child in their sport uniform next Wednesday. For more information go to the Active & Alive section of this newsletter. Class outings and work experience have also commenced and we will begin Breakaways (lunch clubs) again in a few weeks. 


Enjoy the last few weeks of Summer. 


Melanie Meers


Adjunct Lecturer CSU

DipArts (Music), GradDip (Education), GradCertEd (Pedagogy), MEd (Leadership & Management), GradCertEd (Learning Support), ProfCert (Positive Education)




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