Year 7 News

Presentation Day

or their last project in Year 7, students were required to present “Ancient Rome” through the eyes of someone who lived at that time. They completed a series of tasks which culminated in a presentation of their findings to their class teacher and parents on Presentation Day.


The Year 7’s took us back in time to the Romans with their Humanities presentations.  They had to come dressed as a Roman historical figure of their choice so I had the pleasure of meeting Julius Caesar,  Mark Antony, Caesar Augustus as well as slaves and noble women.

Students discussed

  • What was daily life like for their chosen Roman?
  • What was the government like in Rome? How did it affect their chosen Roman?
  • What was the religion of their chosen Roman? What god/gods did they believe in?
  • What were some of the best inventions of Rome?
  • What education did their chosen person receive? Did everyone receive the same education?
  • What language did their chosen Roman speak?


As well as the presentation,  students built models of Roman inventions that are still in existence today so we were presented with everything from aquaducts and arches through to shields and swords.

It was a massive project but the Year 7’s  produced some fantastic presentations and models.  Well done to all for their amazing work.


Jo Reeman

Year 7 Team Leader