Dear parents and carers,
I am writing to clarify our school hours.
Our school hours are from 8.50am-3.15pm. Students may access their lockers from 8.40pm.
Year 12 students may have different start and/or finish times based on their individual timetable.
Students are not permitted on school grounds, unless there is a specific reason (for example an early departure for an activity) before 8.30am. This is because the school yard is not supervised before then. Likewise, students must leave the school grounds before 3.30pm. This is also because the school grounds are not supervised after this time.
Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm on the last day of each term.
Shortened lunches.
In the event of inclement weather (very wet, hot or cold) the school may shorten lunchtime in order to protect students from the elements. Please note, this does not reduce the learning time on these days. This management approach has been endorsed by our school council.
Decisions about shortened lunches will be made between about 12.00-12.30pm and be communicated to parents via Compass. The school day finishes at 2.45pm on days when lunchtime is shortened. Students are welcome to use the library for personal study, or recreational reading, after school if they need to wait for pick-up at 3.15pm.
Our local arrangements comply with the DET policy, which can be viewed at:
Yours faithfully,
Richard Minack