Taking it to the Track

Danielle Cooke
Head of Learning - Health & Physical Education
This term, nine(9) students ventured out to Epping for the Northern Metro Region Track & Field Championships. In order to attend this competition students had to have achieved first or second place in the Divisional competition.
Congratulations to Jannik Ernst (Year 12) who qualified 1st in the 18-20 Years 800m Run earning a place at the State Track and Field Championships on the 17th of October.
Narrowly missing a place at State Finals was Robbie Steindl (Year 9) who placed 2nd in the 15 Years 800m and was able to best his qualifying time by 15 seconds. James Rowe (Year 11) placed 3rd in the 17 Years Shot Put and was able to consistently improve in each of his throws.
Jannick, James and Robbie were joined by Ada Connolly (Year 7), Ada Koch (Year 7), Harry Billington (Year 9), Amelia Freeman (Year 9), Noah Vugdelija (Year 9) and Luca Adams (Year 9) all of whom put in excellent efforts on the day, giving all the competition a run for their money!
All students gave the competition everything they had. Importantly, they were also excellent ambassadors for the school (both on and off the competition arena). They all displayed fabulous sportsmanship - encouraging and supporting each other as well as acknowledging the efforts of their competitors.
Ada Koch
Year 7
I had a really fun day. It was somewhat scary, but I was so excited to be there. It was so cool to see other schools compete and our group of [competitors] did so well!
Ada Connolly
Year 7
I think it was a really fun day that definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. It pushed me to try my best and I had lots of fun.
Robbie Steindl
Year 9
I really enjoyed the day and the experience. It was a tough and close race, and I did my best placing second.
Check out the competition; just click on the photos in the gallery to enlarge.