Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
Learning Pathways 2023
As always in Term 3, there has been strong focus on planning for 2023. The college has staged Year Level Subject Expos and parent/carer information sessions for current Year 9 and 10 students as well as a VTAC information night for Year 12.
Students across Years 9 to 12 have undertaken the 2023 subject selection process, participating in Subject Selection Conferences with staff in order to ensure that they are happy and well-prepared for their 2023 Learning Pathways.
Hume/Moreland Principals Conference
Tasoula Michael, Claudia Johnson and I attended the Hume/Moreland Principals Conference in Geelong in mid-August.
Day 1 of the conference focused on the new framework for improving student outcomes, known as FISO 2.0.
A graphic of FISO 2.0 is shown below (click to enlarge). As you can see, it asks schools to consider how learning and wellbeing intersect. This framework will be pertinent to our goal setting in our new strategic plan.
Other topics of the conference were the Health and Wellbeing of Principal Class members and the implementation of the new Victorian Government Schools Agreement.
Central Australia Camp
A long time in the making, but finally the college farewelled 84 students plus 10 staff members on the much anticipated Central Australia Camp during the final week of the term.
The group consisted of students from across Year levels 9 to 12, and including students who had been denied this trip in 2020 & 2021 due to restrictions on travel. The Central australia camp offers them the opportunity to visit the iconic Uluru and Kings Canyon, and a wealth of experience beyond sightseeing.
The next issue of the Brunswick Star will no doubt include some amazing photographs and interesting reflections from our students, and we look forward to hearing news of their journey and the insights gained from the trip.
School Review - Parent Forum
Thank you to the parents and carers who participated in the Parent & Carer Forum recently.
Participants contributed both in-person and via an online questionnaire, sharing their experiences and observations around the topics of Teaching & Learning and Wellbeing & Engagement at BSC.
The feedback gathered will be used to inform our School Review, is highly valued and greatly appreciated.
Alumni Association
Prompted by enquiries from ex-students, the BSC Alumni Association has been established. The Association is primarily aimed at providing a link between the school and its former students, and strengthening our community overall.
Alumni can be inspirational and relatable role models for current students and we hope that former students will remain involved in school activities and events wherever able. Alumni will have opportunity to share their 'post-BSC' experience around tertiary study pathways, apprenticeships, job experience and opportunities, be alerted and invited to upcoming events, and importantly can re-ignite social links with peers and staff.
Building a supportive alumni network is a practical and meaningful way to help our school broaden student aspirations, enhance the student learning experience at the college, and create stronger links throughout the wider community.
Ex students from the past three years will be contacted and encouraged to sign up to the Alumni Association.
Twilight Market
The Twilight Market will be held at the end of the first week of Term 4 - Friday October 7 5pm to 9pm.
More than anything, the students and staff are keen to celebrate the chance to come together, socialise and enjoy our warm and diverse school community. We hope you will join us too!
Both the SRC and the Parent's Association have been hard at work planning for the event and we thank them all for their efforts. Read the update in this issue to find out what you can expect at the market.