From The Principal

Marion Coady

Use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes at school

Marion Coady, Principal
Marion Coady, Principal


Schools are a smoke free zones. This applies to staff, students, parents/caregivers, contractors and visitors. This is also a requirement for any organisation using our school after hours or on weekends. Smoking at the perimeter of the school is also not permitted. This includes e-cigarettes.


The underlying premise of this requirement is that active and passive smoking is a health risk. A website Positive Choices ( provides information for parents and caregivers about drugs and alcohol. The website provides information on:

  • What can parents do?
  • Starting the conversation
  • Concerned your child may be using drugs?

It also includes some commonly asked questions. There are a range of fact sheets, information about drugs A to Z and webinars. There is a quiz for parents and caregivers to test their knowledge about some common assumptions. Young people involved with drugs and alcohol will use names or phrases that are not understood by many others. A useful aspect of this webpage is a glossary. Not sure what something means? You can find out.


If you are interested in viewing a webinar on e-cigarettes, the website has one called E-cigarettes and vaping in young people – where to from here? This has been developed by Dr Emily Stocking from the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance use.


We have recently farewelled Gabbi Xanthopoulos who was supporting student learning. Joining us in learning support this term are Natalie Cavaiuolo and Rachel Pace. At the end of the term we will be farewelling Jennifer Ongalo who has been teaching English during term 3.

Elder Hall Music Showcase - Change of Date

Due to an Australian wide public holiday to honour the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our Music Showcase performance at Elder Hall, University of Adelaide has been moved to Monday 26 September. 

Revamping of Houses

The school has moved to four houses following input from students and staff. The renaming of the houses saw 1655 responses with 31.1% for the theme of the Elements. Hence our four new houses will be named with the following indigenous names.

  • Tirntu meaning Sun pronounced (Tin-doo) and will be the yellow house
  • Yarlu meaning Sea pronounced (Yar-loo) and will be the blue house
  • Karla meaning Fire pronounced (Car-la) and will be the red house
  • Yarta meaning Earth pronounced (Yar-ta) and will be the green house

I would like to acknowledge the work of Anita Sharrad and Azra Coombes along with Aboriginal Elders who supported the resulting outcome.

Sports Day

This term will see us holding the Whole School Sports Day on Friday 30 September, the last day of term 3. This is due to the Sports Day being postponed from term 1 due to COVID-19 restrictions. All students have been assigned to the new houses. It is an expectation that all students will participate in Sports Day as a competitor, spectator or assisting on the day. Students who come to Sports Day will be expected to stay for the whole day from 8.45am until 2.15pm. It is not appropriate for students to come and go from this school event. 


We are looking forward to a day when our year 7 to 12 students come together to enjoy this event.

Upgrading of Toilets

Now that the building of the Capital Works has finished, we are in the process of starting to upgrade some of the toilets. Nate Clarke is working with a group of students to improve the girls toilet in the General Digital building.  We will be working on installing fans and painting the four Language toilets over the next five weeks.

Mid Semester 2 and Term 3 Reporting

Information about how parents and caregivers can access student achievement reports before our next parent teacher interviews on Tuesday 27 September will be sent home shortly. Please keep an eye out for this information and where teachers request interviews use the online booking system to make appointments. In the event you are unable to use the online booking system, please contact the school for assistance.