Inside the Classroom


Primary classes have been busy preparing for the concert over the past few weeks. The staff and students enjoyed rehearsing and wearing costumes in preparation for the concert.

When the sun has been out, classes have enjoyed outings to playgrounds and parks around the local area. Students have also enjoyed accessing the school playground.



Class 11 have continued to participate in hydrotherapy with Mrs Kempson.

Stage 4

Class 14 had a brilliant time preparing their item for the school concert. Walking like Egyptians, they took to the stage with high energy and enthusiasm. Check out their awesome costume designs! 

As we near the end of term, Stage 4 have showed off their creative skills with our concert. Most of Class 15 worked on creating a sarcophagus prop for our item which linked in well with our history unit of work on Ancient Egypt. In science, Stage 4 have been exploring chemical reactions and demonstrated great care, focus and enthusiasm in a variety of experiments. 

We are a busy group in Class 16. All students participate in a variety of sport activities each Wednesday. Zumba class has a very keen number of students singing and dancing to a favourite collection of songs and movement. Students have worked hard and enjoyed learning their item for the school concert. So wonderful to see them experience success and be a part of a whole school performance. One of our favourite activities is celebrating birthdays with peers. A great opportunity to appreciate each individual member of the class. 

Stage 5 

Class 6 students have been working on reading comprehension. They had to read a passage and draw their visualisations.

Each Thursday afternoon Miss Zara visits Class 7 with the focus of introducing a new cause and effect game to promote interaction and communication using Proloquo2Go. Here are students turn-taking to play leaping frogs and had to count the amount of balls their frog ate. Then they selected their number on P2Go. Well done everyone!

Congratulations to classes 6 and 7 who performed percussion at the Orange Eisteddfod. They placed second in the Special Needs Open Percussion section. They followed up with encore performances at the Performing Arts Project Showcase. Well done to you all, we are so proud! The classes celebrated their achievements with a pizza party! 

Stage 6

Stage 6 Students have been very busy preparing for the school concert and Orange Schools Performance Showcase for dancing and singing. 

For our annual school concert students participated in behind the scenes, preparing music, choreography, props and performing on stage. Class 1 students performed 'A day at the Top Gun Academy: Great Balls of Fire', Class 2 and 3 performed: 'A day at Rydell High: Grease Lightning', Class 4 performed ' A day at the Duel Arena'.




With the weather warming up in the last few weeks, Campus students have really enjoyed working and playing together outside. There have been so many activities happening including soccer games on the front lawn, basketball competitions, EzyRollers, as well as the weekly PCYC For Life program. There have been countless examples of teamwork, problem-solving, sportsmanship, and support and encouragement of others.

Inside the classroom the learning has also been focused and purposeful.

Class 18 has focused on handwriting and spelling as well as continuing with their study of the novel “The Hatchet" while Class 17 has managed well with some changes to staff and classrooms - taking their work with them when they go!

Class 19 has been working really hard on Mathematics and has mastered all kinds of shapes and angles as well as learning about rotational symmetry.

Class 21 has been working really hard on many things including history, Roman numerals, and working together as a group.



Campus to Community spent a great day at Bunnings working on a special project that will be gifted to the school when it is finished. Stay tuned for details of this in upcoming newsletters



Our proudest moment has been this week when Campus staff and students performed “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on both days of the school concert. A lot of teamwork, planning, prop and costume design went on behind the scenes and all students showed great courage to perform in front of a live audience TWICE!