Anson in Review

SASS Recognition Week

We celebrated the brilliance of our School Administrative and Support Staff (SASS) during week 8 for SASS Recognition Week. We currently have 42 permanent and temporary SASS and 10 casual SASS. Positions include classroom support staff (SLSOs), administration officers and manager, executive officer, engagement officer, farm and general assistants.


On Monday, all SASS received a voucher for a lunch order at a nearby school (which shall not be named). On Tuesday, SLSOs were given an early mark and didn't have to attend the staff meeting after school.


Wednesday was a cracker, with 36 school administrative and support staff meeting for a morning tea provided by teachers. Campus SLSOs started off the day with a breaky and also enjoyed a luncheon. Individualised certificates of appreciation were given and staff were able to connect, chat and laugh together. Teachers covered duties for the day to give SLSOs and administration staff a well deserved extra break.


On Thursday, each class gave SLSOs and other administration and support staff cards that were designed by Lina Lavalu (class 9) specifically for SASS Recognition Week. Lina did a fantastic job creating artworks that captured the strength, care and support that our SASS bring to our school every day. Teachers wrote 3 words describing the qualities that their SLSO or other SASS have that they are grateful for. 

The week ended with well deserved after school refreshments, where 28 staff members reflected on the amazing week that we had :)

To all SASS, we really do appreciate all you do, seen and unseen. You make our school a wonderful place for our students to be!


Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal

Public Schools Orange Performing Arts showcase 

The Senior Choir's rendition of 'This is Me' from The Greatest Showman may quite possibly have received the loudest applause of the evening during Showcase 1. The joy and confidence with which they sung was absolutely inspiring and captivating. Following the show, members of the public took the time to come and personally congratulate them on their performance, and emails of praise the applause flooded into the school in the days following. We are so proud of your dedication and enthusiasm choir members and eagerly await your next performance.  


Stage 5 students did a magnificent job in performing a percussion ensemble to the song ‘Best day of my life’ with playing a variety of instruments including buckets, bongo drums, guitars and a keyboard. Great stick work from all the drummers with lots of different rhythms and good contrast between sounds and silence. We are very proud of your efforts Stage 5. You are rockstars! 🤩 


Kari Priest 

Assistant Principal


School Concert

For our first live concert in 2 years, our theme "A Day At..." let our imaginations roam to places we would like to visit or memories of places we have visited in the past. Our minds drifted away to places like Egypt, Honolulu, The Torres Strait, the solar system and the beach. We saw Oompa Loompas, Yu-Gi-Oh duellers, toys and clowns. Each class developed, choreographed, rehearsed and perfected their routine ready for their 2 minutes in the spotlight. Students acted, sang and danced to entertain a wonderful crowd of parents, families and friends who definitely appreciated the efforts of the students and staff.  

Both days of the concert were filmed for those who were unable to attend and the recording will be made available to families early next term. A big thank you to all staff who made the concert possible and to Mrs Huggett for painting the backdrop, Mr Gross for being the host with the most (and telling really bad dad jokes), Mrs Priest for co-producing with me, Ms Cridland for creating the invites and program and Mr Low and Mrs Riley for filming. In the background the hardworking GAs Megan and Anthony set up and packed up the hall with a smile and nothing was too much trouble.


Julie Hudson 

Deputy Principal