Year 10 Sculptural Practice Excursion

The Year 10 Sculptural Practice class attended three exhibitions in the city as part of our exploration of local, indigenous, contemporary, and historical artworks. They viewed the 2022 Top Arts exhibition of top performing VCE Studio Arts students, and Indigenous artworks at the Ian Potter Centre, viewing individual and collaborative works. These works were inspiring and diverse in material, use and scale. After some delicious lunch and plein air sketching we ventured into The Picasso Century: Educator talk and walk through. It was incredible to see artworks made by over 50 artists, contemporaries of Picasso and work from Picasso himself spanning more than 70 years of active art making in 94 years of life.


Marina Heading 

Secondary School Teacher

Primary Art

Art club has been buzzing with keen students working on dry felting animals. Each Tuesday students from grades 4-6 come to finish class-artwork or create something new. It is a space that allows students to relax, develop friendships and create some personal artwork.


In Art, Preps studied one of the most famous artists Claude Monet to get their inspiration for some bubble blown flowers and collaged a lovely background with a focus on types of line for the leaves. 

Year 1 practised weaving with paper before learning about positive and negative space.

Year 3 have been using their maths skills in art, using a grid and measurements to enlarge a photo of themselves for their self-portraits, watch this space for their finished artworks.

Year 5 have also honed their measurement skills as they created one-point perspective drawings and are etching them into plastic plates. The students have shown great responsibility with the tools as we practise using equipment safely.

Maria Wheelton 

Primary Art