Gawa Christian School Presentation


Last Thursday Rachel Herweynen, Principal of Gawa Christian School, and her husband, Cam and members of the school presented to the SACC Secondary School.  The school, serving this Indigenous homeland, is one of the most remote in Australia, being situated on the northern tip of Elcho Island in north-eastern Northern Territory (look it up on Google Maps!)

They shared how God led the setting up of the school, over thirty years ago, and his guidance in a book that Rachel has recently written.  It is a reflection on how Rachel and Cam were adopted by Alvin and Hannah, who were also with us, when they came to Gawa and the special nature of this loving family relationship.  This was then metaphorically applied to our relationship with God, our Father, who invites us to be adopted into his family.  It was written, and read, both in English and Warramiri - the first publication of this critically endangered language. This book speaks deeply to the heart of reconciliation: as we recognise God as our father we are brothers and sisters. We finished with Hannah, Alvin and the team leading us in a dance together

The book, Adopted in Love, is available at Koorong.


Doug Allison

Head of Learning & Teaching - Secondary

Year 8 Media Arts

Our Year 8 Media Arts students have begun filming their ‘Youth Culture’ interviews where they uncover how youth from Italy, Korea and China have been represented in various media sources. They have researched in pre-production and are now bringing everything together in the production stage of the process. By examining and deconstructing stereotypes and stigma related to people their own age with respect to mental, physical, societal, and spiritual health, many meaningful conversations have taken place. Their next step is editing and presenting. I am so proud of their collaboration and insightfulness!

Marina Heading

Visual & Media Arts Teacher

Year 12 Contextual History Lecture

As Year 12 English students embark on the final part of their English journey at SACC it is important that they spend time revising and developing a deep knowledge of their texts. Students were privileged to hear from, Alex Ward (alumni student of 2019) who is currently studying a Master of Education at Monash University. Alex presented a contextual history lecture on the Trojan War and engaged each Year 12 English class with his knowledge of Greek history. The aim of this lecture was to provide a breadth of contextual knowledge for students who will be writing responses in their final English exam on Euripides’ ‘The Women of Troy’ and David Malouf’s ‘Ransom’. Thank you, Alex, for this insightful and engaging lecture!


Lisa Wilks-Beasy

Head of English

Year 7 Science At Melbourne Museum   

On Wednesday the 31st of August, all the Year 7 students attended an excursion to the Melbourne Museum in the city. The museum contained many amazing galleries, and our grade was able to visit eight of them, based on our unit of classification. Some highlights included the countless species of colourful bugs, outdoor forest walk, and massive dinosaur skeletons. We saw so many incredible models, ranging from ships to doll houses to even the Colosseum. Not only were we able to admire the galleries, but we were also able to learn a lot about the scientific names of dinosaurs, bugs, insects, types of rocks, and so much more. To finish it off, our grade was able to watch a 3D documentary about the Great Barrier Reef at IMAX. Overall, the excursion was extremely fun, but also educational at the same time.  


We would like to thank all the staff members who accompanied us and put in so much effort to organise this wonderful learning experience!  

 Naomi Law and Abigail Nah

7F Students

Leadership Training Day 

On Monday 22nd August, fifty students from Years 10-12 were selected to participate in The Global Leadership Summit – Next Gen. This full day event saw current and future leaders of our college benefit from the wisdom of influential leaders within the wider church, along with experts in their field from all over the world. 

There were engaging discussions and skill-building activities facilitated by our Secondary Student Leadership Team as together they tackled key topics like fear, humility, justice and community. It was an incredible chance for students to enrich their own leadership journey and hone their skills, as well as prepare them for future opportunities to serve at school and beyond.  

Mrs Kathryn Campbell 

Student Leadership Coordinator - Secondary