End of day pickup 

We appreciate the cooperation, patience and understanding of our parents in navigating the pick up area during the end of day peak period.  As is always the case, student safety is our greatest priority and we continue to make efforts to ensure students are collected safely and efficiently from the pick up area.  With this in mind, please be reminded of the following points:

  • During certain times of the day, the car parks on Tyner Road are enforced as a no parking zone in order to accommodate queuing cars wishing to turn left into gate 1 of the College.  When queuing to turn left into the College from Tyner Road, please utilise this section of the road to allow through traffic for vehicles not wishing to enter the College. 
  • Please DO NOT park in any no parking zones on Tyner Road in the specified hours.  Any vehicles who are parked in any no parking zone on Tyner Road may be fined by the police or council. 
  • Putting an A4 sized sign on your front windscreen with your child’s name and Year level will assist staff in ensuring your child can be collected quickly.
  • It is expected that students are picked up from school on time.  Primary students who have not been collected promptly will be taken to Out of School Hours Care by the supervising staff member and the family will be billed accordingly.  Secondary students will be sent to the Library.
  • If your child is involved in an approved after school activity, parents are expected to collect their child promptly according to the conclusion time of the activity.

Nick Haines 

Deputy Principal - Operations, Acting Principal

Uniform Changeover

Term 4 signifies the transition back to our Summer uniform for students.  As a part of the Summer uniform, all students are required to wear a College approved hat whilst outside during recess and lunchtime.  Details regarding uniform expectations (including hair & jewellery) can be located on the College website.  Please take some time to read thoroughly through the uniform expectations to ensure your child is wearing the St Andrews uniform correctly and with pride. 


Nick Haines 

Deputy Principal - Operations, Acting Principal

Updated policies 

A common practice of schools is to regularly review and update policies, particularly in instances where there are legislative changes that affect policies.  In line with Ministerial Order 1359 and its implementation as of the 1st July 2022, the College has made updates to our Student Safety (previously referred to as Child Safety) related policies.  Parents and the community can access and view these policies under the ‘policies’ tab on the College website.  All student safety related policies align with and adhere to Ministerial Order 1359 and the updated 11 Child Safe Standards, and one of the changes you will notice is to the College reference of ‘student safety’ rather than ‘child safety’.  This is in recognition that some of our older students are at an age in which they are legally considered as adults rather than children, and we therefore wished to change the wording of our policies to ensure that it was clear that all students at the College were supported and catered for within the content of our policies. 


Nick Haines 

Deputy Principal - Operations, Acting Principal

Spring Has Sprung And Hay Fever Has Come

Can hay fever make asthma worse?

Yes, hay fever can make your asthma worse. Another word for hay fever is allergic rhinitis. Most people with asthma have hay fever too, the two conditions are linked. Hay fever affects 80 percent of people with asthma. 


Asthma and hay fever both involve inflammation and sensitivity in your airways – in your nose and lungs. Uncontrolled hay fever symptoms can worsen asthma symptoms.  If left unchecked, this can seriously impact your quality of life or that of your child. It can also put your health in danger. 


It is important to treat the allergies in your nose, as well as treating asthma in the lungs. 

Watch this video to learn about Asthma Management: 


What are the best ways to treat asthma and hay fever?

Treating asthma and hay fever is important. Hay fever can trigger asthma or make it worse, making it harder to breathe. Having both asthma and hay fever also means you may be at  risk of thunderstorm asthma.  People often use several strategies to manage their asthma and allergies. 


These usually include: 

  • Getting the right plan and medications in place to best handle symptoms. If you get hay fever year-round, this means your treatment needs to be year-round. Speak to your doctor about your treatment options to make sure you have the best treatment for your situation and severity. 
  • Checking you are using your asthma and hay fever medications correctly. Check out our technique videos by clicking here 
  • Being aware of your triggers and trying to reduce your exposure to them. 

Asthma & Hay Fever At SACC


As Spring has sprung, those students who suffer from both asthma and hay fever, please ensure your asthma plans are current, you are taking medications prescribed by your doctor and remember to take a preventative antihistamine before coming to school. 


And for those who suffer from hay fever only please ensure you take a preventative antihistamine and/or nasal spray before coming to school so that your school day is not interrupted with visits to sickbay! 


Cheryl Pajor 

School Nurse 

Sustainability News 

If you visit the new reception area, please feel welcome to have a meander through the veggie patch and look at what is in season in the garden. The produce is on sale Wednesday lunchtimes and gets reinvested in purchasing soil and tools for Garden Club. We have started seedlings that will be planted into the veggie patch early next term including tomato, eggplant, zucchini, chillies and perilla. A month later we will also plant cucumbers and sunflowers. Students from years 3 and up are invited to join Garden Club which runs every Wednesday lunchtime at the veggie patch. 

Sustainability Club runs Tuesday lunchtime week B and Friday recess week A. 4V have kindy offered to take on the role of Redcycling, making sure that all the soft plastics are collected and sent off to be upcycled and used in products such as pavements, roads, and outdoor plastic posts. Thank you to 3E who have been diligently emptying the recycling bins for the lower primary year levels. 

Maria Wheelton

Sustainability Coordinator