Opening Times

Senior Library: 
Years 6 - 12
8.30am to 4.30pm
Years 4 - 5 
8.30am to 3.45pm 


Junior Library:  
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Senior Library for access and loans. 


Students who stay after school (Years 6-12 only), must sign in and out with Library staff.  



CBCA Winners 2022 

The winners and honour recipients of this year’s Children’s Book Council Award in the Early Childhood and Picture Book categories are: 

Early Childhood 


Jetty Jumping by Andrea Rowe, illustrated by Hannah Sommerville. A beautiful story about children at an Australian Beach in summer.



  1. Walk of the Whales by Nick Bland.  A thought provoking look at what might happen if whales moved from the sea to the land. 
  2. Amira’s Suitcase by Vikki Conley, illustrated by Nicky Johnston. A tale of friendship and hope. 

Picture Story 


Iceberg by Clare Saxby and Jess Racklyeft. A portrayal of the life cycle of an iceberg. 



  1. Just One Bee by Margrete Lamond and Anthony Bertini; illustrated by Christopher Nielsen. This is a story of what can be achieved by one bee who never gives up. 
  2. Stellarphant by James Foley. Stella, the elephant, has to overcome many obstacles to achieve her dream of becoming an astronaut. 

These titles are available to read and borrow from the Junior Library. 


Lynne Marks

Head of Library

Book Week in the Primary School 

Book Week was celebrated here at St Andrews from the 22nd to 26th August. Library staff participated in the Book Week picnic with a display of the CBCA winning and honour books. There were also readings of Stellarphant, Jetty Jumping and Walking with Whales. 

Another exciting activity that took place during the week was Prep Story time. The library staff were privileged to be a part of this. We hope both parents and children enjoyed their visit to the Junior Library to hear two stories about bedtime. Thank you to everyone who came.

Lynne Marks

Head of Library

The Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge 2022 closed on the 2nd September. Students have been listing all the books that they have read since March in order to complete the challenge. 

To date, a total of 1614 books have been recorded by students in Years 7 and 8. 

Well done!

Lynne Marks

Head of Library