A Source Of Hope

It always surprises me how fast a school year goes. It feels like only a few months ago that we were welcoming our students back to a new school year; fresh uniforms, new subjects and getting our hair in picture perfect condition for school photo day! To now be discussing with our current Year 12 cohort how many days of school remaining for them before their final year exams commence serves as a reminder of how quickly time can pass.


However, for Year 12 students this period of time can be one of significant stress and pressure in light of their upcoming exams and the conclusion of their time as a student at St Andrews Christian College; something which can at times bring feelings of a loss of control.


In a recent publication from McCrindle research titled ‘Education Future Report’, it is revealed that parents view the top challenges for their children today as being the loss of control through social media, the high-pressure stakes of exams and the complications of modern day life that contribute to additional stress. Whilst these things have the capacity to bring a somewhat negative outlook on the future, it also reveals that there is good reason for us to show each other that hope is something to hold onto and cherish when we have faith in Jesus.


The book of Hebrews is written for a group of people who had been persecuted for their faith and were at risk of further persecution, including incarceration and death. With people losing hope for their future and being consumed by fear, it seemed as though they were at risk of turning away from their faith in Christ for the sake of security and safety. Hebrews is written as an encouragement to the people to hold onto a sense of hope, describing it as an “anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19). Hebrews 11 says “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. Whilst what is directly in front of us at any given time may seem to be too great to overcome, faith and a sense of hope is what provides us with what is described in Philippians as “the peace of God which transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).


As Term 3 draws toward a close and our eyes start to focus on the things that are ahead of us, I pray that you draw on the transcending peace of God in your heart as a means to create or restore the sense of hope, and purpose for your life as a child of God.


Nick Haines

Acting Principal