Student Wellbeing News

Make time in your day for gratitude
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson
Over the past few weeks, the staff and students at Corpus Christi have been focusing on gratitude. When our thoughts turn to gratitude, we are not only thankful for the wonderful things in our life but we attract more and more of it into every day.
Do you ever realise that when you wake up in a grateful state, excited for the things you have to look forward to in the day, that the day just gets better and better?
And on the flip side, when you wake up dreading going to work or sweating the small stuff, it feels like everything throughout the day goes wrong?
In our staff meeting recently, each member of staff was invited to write down one thing that they are grateful for about each person. Sometimes we see people every day and deep down we appreciate so much that they do for us but we still forget to find or make the time to tell them.
We also did this activity in the Year 5/6 Community. After completing the activity, these were some of the responses from our students:
* I didn't think I would have this many things written on my sheet
* I didn't know my friends felt that way about me
* It made me feel appreciated
* I felt happy
This shows just how powerful a gratitude practice can be. This week, find some time maybe on the weekend or at the dinner table. Go around the table and ask each person to name 5-10 things they are grateful for. You might like to continue this once a week. Before you know it, your family will make gratitude a central part of coming together.
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Melanie Larkin
Student Wellbeing Leader