From the Principal's Desk

ABC Music Concert
Today the children who have participated in keyboard and guitar lessons during the year with ABC Music showcased their talent at a wonderful concert performed for the school community. Special thanks goes to Chantelle and Max for their dedication in teaching and encouraging the children throughout the year.
Before School Care Survey
Last week all families were sent an online survey via email in regard to expressions of interest for Before School Care at Corpus Christi School. We would appreciate all families completing the survey by this Friday 7th December. Once the results of the survey have been compiled OshClub will determine if operating Before School Care is possible for 2019 and we will advise parents as soon as practical.
Overdue School Fees
Thank you to the many families who have finalised all their School Fees and Levies payments for 2018. We still have a large number of families who have not finalised their fees for this year and would appreciate payments being completed by Monday, 10th December.
Coon Cheese Toastie Truck
On Monday many of us enjoyed Coon Cheese Toasties or lunch. Thank you to everyone who ordered a toastie; $531 was raised by the PFA through this initiative. Thank you very much to Belinda Miller, Catrina Anderson and Geraldine Karla for helping to assemble and cook the toasties.
PFA News
The Christmas Raffle, which will be drawn at the end of year school picnic and concert on Tuesday 18th December, is fast approaching.
We would welcome any donations from families and businesses to include in our raffle. If you would like to donate a gift, please contact the school office.
Tomorrow each family will receive a set of ten (10) raffle tickets to sell to family and friends. Tickets cost $1:00 each. Prizes include:
an Apple iPad, one term's school fees, book packs, vouchers and more!
Sewing Help Needed
In preparation for our new Year Prep children in 2019 we require the services of a couple of ‘handy’ people to sew together a new batch of Library bags for our Preps.
If you can help out, please call in and see me at the office.
Zooper Doopers
Our Social Justice Leaders will be selling Zooper Doopers for the final time at lunchtime this Friday. The Zooper Doopers cost $1.00 each and all proceeds will go towards our Social Justice initiatives this term.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal