Education in Faith

Advent Season


On Sunday, we began the season of Advent. On the First Sunday in Advent Jesus explains that no one knows the time of the Second Coming but we have hope and  therefore we should always be prepared. Let's take some time to slow down at this busy time of the year and prepare ourselves for the return of our Lord.


Let us pray:


Lord, we are so often overwhelmed

by the busyness of this time of year. 

O come Emmanuel,

come into our hearts

and show us by your light

the beauty of your way of love.

We are your people, Lord,

and we are waiting for your return.

Come Lord Jesus.



All families are welcome to attend the paraliturgies to celebrate the season of Advent:


Monday 10th December:  9:00am - Prep N to host

Monday 17th December: 9:00am- Year 1/2 H to host

Wednesday 19th December: 12:15pm – Year 1/2 C to host