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Maintaining Connections

One strong message coming to us all during this time, when COVID -19 (Coronavirus) dominates all our thoughts and actions, is that to get through this we need each other and our faith more than we probably ever have before;  ‘We’re all in this together’

Little Reminders

Mother's Day Sunday, 10 May 2020


‘Your Mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend’.

- Author Unknown


Our yummy and nutritious recipe this week could be an ideal for Mum's breakfast. And for a couple of ideas of how to make indulgent pamper gifts Mum will love please click the attachment below:

Thought for Today

"Somewhere you lost your way. You were happy once, but circumstances took you on a detour. You're overwhelmed by massive roadblocks or unexpected potholes. You've been downsized - financially, emotionally and/or physically. If it's any comfort, most of the people you know are suffering to. Many lives have been rudely adjusted to a world we didn’t envision, plan, or create. Recovery or getting by might be your "new normal". ........ You have problems to resolve, but you still have capacity for joy. Rejoice in the things that give you pleasure now. Breath. Enjoy a cup of calming tea or a bracing mug of coffee. Put your feet up. Let your hair down......And sometimes a new direction is what you need to get back on the road to random joy."

- Mary Kolada Scott

Here are some activities you and your family may find helpful


Low Impact Home Workout. Check out the 15-minute workout below,

no equipment needed - please click here.  


Nutbush Plank.   Check out this week's challenge by clicking on the link below. 

Please click here.  


WELLBEING10 Minute Guided Meditation - Please click here

Health & Nutrition - Jessica Paynter, Nutritionist & Parent


Everyday Superfoods for health and wellbeing:

The term “Superfood” is used so often now that it either conjures images of green smoothie sludge, bitter green kale piled to the ceiling or causes us to switch off completely. In reality all foods have a unique and nourishing nutritional profile.

Let’s take eggs for example; they have all of the protein and essential amino acids we need for emotional wellbeing and building strong muscles.

A breakfast containing protein, such as that found in eggs, can help balance blood sugar, keeping you feeling satisfied for longer and aiding in concentration when trying to work or study.

These muffins are a great start to the day and for snacks as well.


Sweet Potato Egg Muffins

For variety, try adding halves of cherry tomatoes, or sliced mushrooms.

Stay Well and Stay Safe