Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Today is Ash Wednesday which begins the forty-days of Lent that leads into the beautiful season of Easter. As a Catholic School, we would usually gather for Mass on this day and remind ourselves that we don’t always follow God’s ways and need to ask God for His mercy and forgiveness. Unfortunately, it is not possible this year but it is still very important to think of the symbolic ashes and how they remind us to live the way Jesus wants. Wherever we are today, we can stop and think about how we play our part in God’s hope for a world that is fair, just and peaceful. Almost out of habit we think of Lent as a time to “give up something,” to do “some penance” because self-denial is thought to be good for both body and soul.  However, Lent can be a time for very positive action too when we can do something for others or for our own growth. Whatever we choose to do for Lent, we should ensure that it leads to a positive change, which in turn has a positive effect on ourselves and the people who we meet daily in our lives.


It was great to hear the announcement today that Schools are Back! Classes resume again tomorrow as normal for everyone. I would like to remind families that important restrictions are still in place regarding coming onto the school site. In order to reduce the number of onsite visitors, children who are able to come into school by themselves are strongly encouraged to do so. If you do come on site you must:

  • Ensure physical distancing of 1.5 metres  at all times
  • Visitors over the age of 12 must wear a face mask
  • Practice good hand hygiene
  • Do not congregate at doorways, in the quadrangle, at the car park or the front of the school
  • Limit your time onsite to less than 15 minutes at any given time
  • Visitors must sign in or scan the QR code if onsite for more than 15 minutes
  • Safety requirements in the office allow for a maximum of two visitors at a given time
  • Do not come on site if you or anyone in your family is unwell

Thank you for being so cooperative and understanding as restrictions continue. At this stage the events on our calendar are resuming as normal but if there are any further changes to these or school operations I will let you know as soon as possible. 


It was lovely to have all the students together once again for Assembly last Friday and watch our new Year 6 Leaders lead this. We will continue to have Assemblies outside in the quadrangle if weather permits. Although it was unfortunate that we couldn’t all meet together for the welcome BBQ, I was pleased that the Information Evenings were still able to go ahead – albeit from the comfort of your own homes. Thank you staff for these very informative sessions and to the many parents who joined us. A special thanks to Grant Fitzgerald [Catholic Education Sandhurst] for joining the Year 5/6s in their discussion on Cyber Safety. Grant was able to provide some excellent information and very strong messages about the importance of keeping safe on the net. I hope families continue these important conversations. A particularly good resource to follow up the evening is the eSafety government website.

The Year 3/4 Information session will be held later in the term so teachers are able to include further information regarding the 3/4 School Camp that will take place early Term 2.


On Monday March 1st our School Board will meet for the first time in 2021 and under the new name, Sacred Heart School Advisory Council. Joan Coldwell, Project Officer, School Advisory Council Catholic Education Sandhurst will join this meeting. Joan’s role will be focused on working directly with Principals and School Advisory Councils to develop the new Terms of Reference and to enhance practice into the future. I would like to thank our Advisory Council members for their invaluable interest and time given to our school and look forward to working with them throughout 2021.


Each week during Assembly I present an award to someone who is a wonderful example of the Sacred Heart School values. They follow our PBIS rules and are a shining light in our school and community. Congratulations to our first two students who have received the Principal’s Award. Both these students have been exemplary in their roles as Leaders of Sacred Heart so far.


The first Principal’s Award for 2021 went to Harry Cameron. Harry is a shining example of what our Sacred Heart School values mean. He is generous with his time and readily shares his gifts and talents in many ways.  Harry is respectful, responsible and goes out of his way to do little things to help others. Well done Harry.


Anton Basile received this week’s Principal’s Award. Anton also has really displayed the Sacred Heart values.  He has been a wonderful buddy, reliable, responsible and keen to try new challenges. He is working hard and focused on giving everything his very best. Well done Anton. Both these Year 6 Leaders are wonderful role models in our school and have set an excellent example for everyone.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to watch over our school community and bless us always.    


Pauline Hindson
