Year 7-9 Sector 

Year 7 News

Our Year 7 students have had a great start to Term 1, particularly supported by a smooth transition with our tailored Start-Up Program, focusing on our College Values, classroom expectations, goal setting, student wellbeing, self-regulation techniques and anti-bullying.

Students are already preparing for the year ahead by learning to use the College diary correctly, being well organised for classes, wearing their uniform with pride and speaking to teachers regarding school work and extra-curricular activities. The Year 7 teachers are very impressed with how well students have transitioned, in addition, are very excited about the level of engagement across all classes. 

Thank you to all parents and guardians who attended the Meet and Greet on Thursday 11th of February.If you were unable to attend but would like to discuss your child’s learning or wellbeing needs, please contact the College and ask for either the Homegroup teacher or Year 7 Leader. 

Over the next few weeks, students will have the opportunity to trial for a range of sports, in order to represent Brookside College and compete in interschool sports against other schools within the region. Students selected will train with their coach during lunchtimes in preparation for competition day!

A range of lunchtime clubs have begun, deeming opportunity for students to become more involved within the 7-9 culture. Thus far, we have Gaming Club, Anime Club and Study Club. For details regarding days and times, students may read the notice board in the Northern Building and Compass newsfeed.

Year 7 Camp

Lake Dewar Camp is taking place from the 24th of May until the 26th of May. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of adventure activities and challenges to become more familiar with their cohort and teachers. The 3-day program, designed and implemented by YMCA, aims to increase self-confidence, team work and independence. 


Please note that the deposit is due on Wednesday the 24th of February.


Congratulations to all Year 7 students on their positive start to 2021, looking forward to an eventful and fun term!

Ms. Casha

Year 7 Leader

Year 8 News

Year 8s have made a great start to the new school year. After the year that was, it has been amazing to see the Northern Building filled with smiling faces and the chatter of year 8s! A big thank you to the cohort for making our start to term a positive one as well as being so resilient and flexible in wearing masks and adjusting to COVID safe protocols. After our start up program, it has been great to see each of our classrooms come to life with colour and displays. A big shout out to 8A whose homeroom is a stand out with their creative belonging wall.

This week we had our first cohort games on Wednesday during lunch. This was a big success with 8B and 8D winning the first rounds of games with Soldiers and Medics. Next week the battle continues in the fight for bragging rights. Our cohort champion trophy to be awarded at the end of term for the overall homeroom winner!

Everyone is looking forward to all that is to come this year including the first year 8 camp. Year 8s will head off to camp on the 28th of April with many exciting activities including surfing lessons, beach volleyball, night walks and camp fires. More information soon!


Bring on 2021!

The Year 8 Team         

Year 9 News 

Welcome back to all our year 9 students and parents, and what a great start back we have had in our cohort. Lot’s of smiling faces and energy filling upstairs of the northern building. As you know 2021 is jam packed with exciting changes and opportunities for all our Year 9 students within our school. 


For the past two weeks students have had their first classes including their selected Futures and Thursday Electives- the first time ever a year 9 cohort at Brookside P-9 have had the opportunity to have so much variety and student voice in their subjects.  All students are getting straight into the swing of things with lots of amazing things coming out of all subjects such as delicious Truffles for our cooking elective, some incredible initiatives for our school in sustainability and some very determined but exhausted members from our female fitness classes. 


Some exciting things in the coming weeks for our Year 9 students: 

  • 16th of Feb- LAST Swimming Carnival 
  • 23rd off March- Athletics Carnival 
  • 25th-31st of March- GOLD COAST CAMP


Thank you to all the parents are carers who came along our Meet and Greet on the 11th of March, it was great to meet so many new faces!

Just a  friendly reminder that Uniform checks will be occurring daily to ensure that all students are following the school uniform protocols. This can be found on our college website or alternatively if you are unsure please contact your child’s homeroom teacher for further clarification. 


Year 9 Team