Class News 

Year 1 and Year 5 

Plant Vegetables in the Tilley Garden

The Year 1 and Year 5 buddies worked together to plant new vegetables in the Tilley Garden.  Dave guided us through the process of digging with the trowels, carefully placing the plants in the soil and using the watering cans to give the plants lots of water. We love helping out in the garden and spending time with our buddies.

Year 3/ 4 Prayer Symbols

This term the children of Years 3 /4 created their own class prayer symbols.

Each class produced different symbols which came about through class discussion, questions and wonderings about the year.



Year 3/4B created a Prayer poster. 

Each child was given a scallop shell to colour and write their name on. We added the school values too.

The children thought the scallop shell was a great symbol to use because it is part of our school crest, on all our uniforms, used by St James to baptise people, shells are found on the beach and our school is near beaches and we all love the beach that God created. 




Year 3/4C created a Prayer canvas.

As a class, children felt that the cross and the scallop shell were both symbols of the class and the school. 

The scallop shell is part of St James and Baptism and the cross in the centre of the canvas is Jesus, central to our lives. Children thought that as they were preparing to learn about Reconciliation, the cross was a symbol that related to Year 3/ 4 classes. Around the cross, the children have signed their names.





Year 3/4CJ created a class Prayer cloth.

Each child was given a piece of calico to draw and paint on.

Children drew a wonder they had about God’s creation. 

They used colour and their creativity to produce their own image. Mrs Conway then sewed all the pieces together to produce their class prayer cloth.





St Patrick's Day

Wednesday the 17th of March was St Patrick’s day and the whole school took part in some wonderful activities. The year 6 students engaged in a student run activity with the Prep students by decorating green cupcakes.  We thank the community leaders, Sophie B and Nat D for their amazing organisation and baking to make the activities such a success.   Messy, tasty and fun.   What more could you want !