Faith & Wellbeing 



National Ride to School Day and National Day of Action Against Bullying, Thursday 18th March.


On Thursday the 18th March students were invited to ride, walk, scoot or skate to school. This day encourages students to be physically active on their journey to school giving them the opportunity to create healthy habits for the future. Thank-you to everyone who participated in this day. 


Also,  students were encouraged to wear “odd socks” in recognition of the fact that everyone is different and it is ok to be different. Being able to wear odd socks is a reminder to people that it is good to stand out. Being able to express yourself without fear of judgment reaffirms the idea that being who you are is ok. If we can appreciate someone else's choice in odd socks then we can also appreciate each other's individual differences.  


Harmony Day/Week

Harmony Week is recognised from the 15th March-21st March, this week is about coming together to celebrate the cultural diversity of your community and recognising that everyone belongs. Make sure you get involved in events happening in your community. The official Harmony Day is Sunday 21st March. 




Over the past two weeks our Senior Students took part in a Bodyworks program under the guidance of Amanda Parsons. 

The primary focus of the Bodyworks Personal Growth and Development program is for students in our senior school to gain a detailed understanding of their body, how it functions and what changes will occur as they mature. Through class activities and discussions, they will develop skills and strategies to help them cope with the challenges and choices they may encounter as they transition from childhood to adolescence. 


Kind Regards,


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Student Wellbeing Leader




During Week 9 our Year 6 Social Justice leaders will be holding a number of events such as an Easter egg hunt and a colouring competition, to bring further awareness to the positive impact the money we raise from Project Compassion has on local and global communities.



Year 4 Reflection Day

Thank you to all the families who baked and assisted with making the Year 4 Reflection Day such a memorable event for the children.   There was a common echo coming down the stairs this afternoon......."That was the best day ever!"

Important dates

Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th of March 

Year 4 Sacrament of First Eucharist, St Joan of Arc Church @ 6pm

Monday 29th March - Thursday 1st of April 

Holy Week Paraliturgy

Wednesday 17th of November 

Year 6 Sacrament of Confirmation, St Joan of Arc Church @ 7pm


Sacramental Program Update

As many of you are aware, last year St James became part of the Bayside Catholic Mission along with 5 other schools in the Bayside area; St Joan of Arc, St Mary’s, Sacred Heart, Stella Maris and St Joseph’s. Our Parish Priests are Fr David Cartwright, Fr Dean Mathieson and Fr James Baptist. This also means that there is a change in the year levels that receive Sacraments.

Year 3 - Reconciliation (Date to be confirmed)

Year 4 - Eucharist (Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th of March @ 6pm)

Year 6 - Confirmation (Wednesday 17th of November @ 7pm)



For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website 



Emma Herbert

RE, STEM & Sustainability Leader