Upper Primary Learning

Term 4 Highlights
Someone once said, ‘Time flies when you are having fun’. If that is the case staff and students have certainly had lots of fun this term, because we started the term, blinked and now the term has all but finished.
Over the term Upper Primary have had many exciting things happen. First of all there was the Primary Sports Day held at the Lower Primary campus. The students had a great day and were very excited to show off all the ribbons they accumulated during the different events.
The Presentation Night was a huge success, with nearly sixty families visiting the section to view the different projects the students had completed during the term. There was nothing but positive feedback from all that attended.
During the term PKO, PDC and some students from PSC, took part in the Swimming Program at Reservoir Leisure Centre. It was fantastic to see the growth in the self-confidence and the skills of all those that participated.
During the term, we also had Steph and Bree, from Bunnings in Thomastown, come and join us for a day. All students painted a pot and planted a Marigold for someone special in their lives. They looked fantastic and the students had a great time.
Then we had the Christmas Concert. Another huge success. All grades practised for weeks leading up to the event, and it was evident on the night. All classes performed beautifully and the smiles on the faces said it all – what a great night.
Another highlight was the Variety Christmas Party. All students looked forward to this event for weeks prior to the day. They all enjoyed the many rides, special events such as face and nail painting, soap decorating, visits to emergency vehicles and playing with the support pups in training. Of course Santa was on hand to make sure everyone was having ‘the best day ever’.
To end off the term and the year, we had our excursion to ‘Inflatable World’. No need to say, it but everyone had an amazing time. Even though it was quite hot on the day, it didn’t stop the students from running, jumping, climbing from the minute they got there until the minute they left. The special lunch of chips and pizza was also a treat.
The biggest highlight for those moving to Secondary next year, was of course the Graduation Ceremony. The students were extremely nervous, but looked fantastic in their gowns and hats. They all presented themselves in a very grown up manner. They were a credit to themselves and their families. It was a wonderful afternoon.
This term we have welcomed many new students to Upper Primary.
Anthony started in PDJ and Tyressha returned to PDJ after a term away. Amelie and Alice began in PMJ. PSC welcomed Kiara and Johnny started in PKJ on his return to Concord. We also had Diesel start in PCA and Abudi in PKO.
From all the Upper Primary Staff, we hope everyone has a great Christmas and a fantastic holiday.