Sub Schools

Junior School

Year 7 Transition News

As part of our transition program, we are looking not only at the transition of the students into secondary school life here at Ringwood Secondary College but also the transition and connections for parents of our year 7 students as the shift from Primary School to Secondary School can be quite different.


Year 7 Coffee Morning

On Thursday the 22nd we had our first Year 7 Parent Coffee morning. 60 parents of year 7 students were lucky enough to join us for an hour to see the College at work and to visit the classrooms of their year 7 student or other year 7 classes.

It was a great success, for the teaching staff of year 7 classes, it was business as usual, just with parents wandering in and out.

For some parents, it had been a while since they had seen the inside of a classroom! For the Junior School team, it was a chance to build and strengthen our partnership with families as we work together in supporting our students.


At the end of the session, parents left feeling more connected to Ringwood Secondary College and their child’s learning, and they even made a few friends for themselves. I would like to thank the teaching staff involved who welcomed us into their classrooms, the Junior School team and in particular James Barut and Kim Watson in their organisation of the event and all of the families who took time out of their day to join us.


Feedback from the day was overwhelmingly positive and something we will look at continuing into the future, if you missed out this time, stay tuned for updates on the next session.

Coming up:

We have a ‘New Parents Information Evening’  to be held on the 1st of March. This will coincide with the ‘ACE Parent Information Evening’.

ACE parents information evening will take place from 6.30 in the Library and will give parents of students in the ACE class an insight to the program and how it has started for the year. Following that, from 7.30 the new parent information evening will take place in the Hall. This is open to all families of students in year 7 and also new families into the Junior School. The year 7 ambassadors and year 8 leaders have been working hard on a short presentation for this evening to give you some insight into the year 7’s start to the year and how they are travelling. Other important information will be shared around the use of Compass for parents and students, FAQs will be answered and it will be a chance to catch up with other parents and the house co-ordinators.


We look forward to seeing you there.


Junior School Leaders

It was with great pleasure that we were able to announce our Year 7 Ambassador Team to the cohort at their assembly on Tuesday 20th February and our Year 8 Student Leadership Team to the cohort at their assembly on Tuesday 13th February. We received over 50 very well written and comprehensive applications for the program highlighting some great potential in many students across the Junior School.


Interviews were conducted and we are proud to announce the following students as our

2018 Year 7 Ambassadors and Year Level Leaders:

Noah Battle, Zarin Binte, Ruby Davies, Olivia Downs, Summer Featherston, Quinn Hansen, Niharika Harne, Ella Hose, Riley Jordan, Alysa Kimpton, Jesse Llewellyn, Jesse Macleod, Oskar Moore, Chanul Pathirana, Olivier Phillips, Charlotte Serre, Leo Taylor and Dinali Tirikawala.


Our Year 7 Level Leaders are:

Chloe Biggs and Noah Philp


Our Year 8 Leadership Team is:

Charlotte Jackson, Olivia Slade, Luke Baxter, Mylee James, Lachlan Bosomworth, Emma Watson, Caitlin Dowding, Annabelle Veenman, Jed McCartney, Noah Rabbi, Brooke Humphreys, Lacey Shattock, Sienna Sleigh, Jemima Wilson, Cade Cavanagh, Lucy Ahearn and Hannah Walne.


Our Year 8 Level Leaders are:

Emma Hanly and Jessica Suares.


We congratulate all of our Junior School Leaders and wish them all the best for the year ahead. 


Here is a word from our Year 7 Level Leaders:



I’m Noah and I’m honoured to be one of the year seven leaders for 2018. I came from Heathmont East Primary School where I was elected School Captain.


I enjoy playing tennis, sport and hanging out with my mates. I applied to be a leader at R.S.C. because I had been a leader at primary school and couldn’t wait to give it give it a good go at high school. But the main reason was the chance to represent the school in the best way I can. When I first heard that I had been elected to represent year 7, I felt very excited and honoured.


At our leadership training last week, I learned all about the school’s chaplaincy program. I’m really looking forward to helping out at Breakfast Club and meeting new people in the school. I also can’t wait to work with the other ambassadors in year 7 as we represent the school in our school tours that have already started this term.




I’m Chloe Biggs and I am one of two Year 7 leaders of 2018. I was rapped when I was appointed to this role and I can’t wait for the year ahead!

I came from Croydon Hills Primary and I loved my time there but I’m happy to be here at RSC now.


My main interest outside of school is netball, I absolutely love netball. I devote 4 hours and 45 minutes each week to netball, and I’m glad I do.

I also love going to the footy and my whippet Mac.


On Wednesday the 14th of February, 20 Year 7 ambassadors went to the Sage Hotel for a leadership training day. The great day included an amazing talk from SALT (Sport and Life Training) and our very own Mrs Allison.

We teamed up with kids from Year 7 and 8 from Norwood and Heathmont and did some leadership activities to learn about what sort of leaders we were. The other year level leaders from RSC in years 8-12 arrived in the afternoon and we split into portfolio groups. I was part of the visual arts portfolio, I’m really looking forward to some of the projects we will be working on this year.


One of the best parts of the day was lunch, we had chicken schnitzel and tomato pasta (yum). We got to sit in fancy booths and use satin napkins and watch the Winter Olympics, what a great Valentine’s Day!

Anna Urbano

Junior Sub School Leader

Middle School

A couple of weeks ago Years 9 students had their first Year Level assembly.  During this assembly, we had the pleasure of introducing the student leaders for 2018 in front of their peers.  The Middle School Team look forward to working with the following students throughout the year and look forward to introducing the Year 10 student leaders at their next upcoming Year Level assembly. 

Year 9 Student Leaders

Year Level Leader – Nicholas Day

Year Level Leader – Megan Rennick

Year Level Leader – Emilie Young

Freeman House Captain – Abbey Hepworth

Jackman House Captain – Megan Rennick

Mabo House Captain – Emilie Young

Cultural Diversity Leader – Audrey Goodman

Dance Captain – Abbey Hepworth

Music Captain – Charlie Lodge

Philanthropy Captain – Lucy Philp

Performing Arts Captain – Charlie Lodge

Sport Captain – Nicholas Day

Year 9 Phillip Island Adventure Camp

It is now less than a month before Year 9 students depart on their camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort. Consent should have already been given via Compass and students should have returned their medical forms to the Middle School office. Further information will be available to students and parents as we edge closer to the camp.



The Year 9 interGREAT program is now well underway, with students now having begun work on their Personal Projects.  We have also heard from some excellent guest presenters, which include College Principal Mr Michael Phillips and Cam Greenwood.  Thanks to Megan Rennick, Nicholas Day & Emilie Young for their recap of Cam’s presentation to the year level.

On Tuesday the 13th of February, Year 9 was very lucky to have Cam Greenwood speak to us about his Monsta Surf Brand and Live Passionately Charity. He also talked to us about the many challenges he has overcome and how he has gotten to the place he is now. I know that we all enjoyed having him as a guest speaker and took many key messages and lots of advice away from it that will help us through high school and further. Thank you, Cam Greenwood for speaking to us and Ms Watson for organising this great guest speaker for us.


Year 10 METEC

As part of the Year 10 Health course, we are focusing on promoting positive health behaviours in a range of areas that impact on young people. One of these areas is road safety and driver education. Following a number of classroom sessions that investigate risks associated with driving and campaigns to reduce youth car accidents and deaths, students will have the exciting opportunity to take part in a day long program at Melbourne East Traffic education Centre - 112 Colchester Road, Kilsyth. The students meet at 8:45am, at the venue, and students will again be dismissed from the venue at 3:30pm. THIS IS AN OPTIONAL EXCURSION with a payment of $150. Students do NOT have to be 16 years of age to be able to drive at METEC. Students in Jackman and Frazer Houses will have the opportunity to attend on Thursday 17th of May and students in Mabo and Freeman Houses will have the opportunity to attend on Friday 18th of May. Students who will be 16 years of age by the date also have the chance to sit their Learner Permit test. This must be booked early, so please email Miss Solomon ( by Thursday 22nd of March and pay her an additional $66.00. Please refer to the Compass event for further details and to give consent.


Year 10 Health Teachers


General Reminders

Thank you to all parents who are continually updating Compass in regards to any student absences.  It is important that if any student is absent, that Compass is updated to reflect this information, or alternative please contact the Attendance Officer to report any student absences.


Year 10 students were spoken to last week by Ms Hetherington regarding their work experience placements. Students are reminded to organise their placements as soon as possible.  For any further information please contact Ms Hetherington via email:


Matt Tucker

Middle Sub School Leader

Senior School

All Senior School students are now coming to grips with their classes and assessments have started. If any senior students are finding anything troubling or concerning, please ensure you speak to your relevant House Coordinator – visit us in the Senior School Office!


Year 11 Study Skills Sessions

All Year 11 students will be participating in two sessions run by Elevate Education on Tuesday 20th March. Students have been allocated groups on Compass, and they will receive tips and advice regarding how to remember content, and other useful study tips. This is a compulsory activity, and classes will run periods 1 and 4, whilst the Elevate sessions will run during period 2, 3 and Bounce.


Year 12 Prefect

The Year 12 Prefect Team was officially inducted into their roles on Thursday 15th February. It was a fantastic afternoon, reflecting on the history and traditions of the Prefects, when they all signed the Prefect book.

This book contains the names and signatures of all Ringwood Secondary College Prefects.

The guest speaker was Tristan Nathanielsz, who was a prefect himself here at RSC in 2005. He is a lawyer and was recently admitted to the Bar. He spoke to the Prefects about their goals, their year, and how wonderful the experience of being a Prefect is.

Thank you to the parents, family members and the Year 7 classes, who attended to support our Prefects.


Senior School Procedures & Expectations

Thank you to all the parents who have given consent to this event, acknowledging you have read the Senior School Procedures and Expectations. We ask any family that has not done this, to please attend to this urgently. It is important to us that everyone is aware of the regulations around Senior School, especially conforming to VCAA requirements.

The Procedures & Expectations documents are on the Compass Newsfeed, and will remain there until the end of November. We ask that consent is provided by 22nd March 2018.


Cathy Menz

Senior Sub School Leader