From the Office
CSEF Applications
New Applications to Ringwood Secondary College only.
Application for the CSEF (Camps Sports Excursion Funding) is attached. If you are new to the College and are an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card holder, please complete the attached form and return to the office before Tuesday 27th February.
If you have previously received the CSEF funding from RSC you do not need to complete this form again, your application has been done automatically for you.
Applications can be emailed to Linda Wheeler
RSC College Council – Newsletter Report
Welcome to 2018 from College Council!
The meeting on the 21st February was the first council meeting for 2018, and began by reiterating the unanimous support by council and the RSC community to name the new Junior School building in honour of Michael Phillips. This was announced at the Presentation night at the end of 2017, to a warm and loud supporting audience.
The process of determining members of the college council for 2018 is currently underway, with new members nominating to fill the places of retiring council members Charles Heathcote, Leah Brohm, Andrew Smith, Mark Granland and Craig Guscott (our current council president). Their efforts and leadership on council have been greatly appreciated, and will be recognised at the upcoming council dinner. Last year, changes to School Council compositions across Victorian schools were announced, in order to include a compulsory student member as part of the council. Further information will be released in coming months about how this arrangement will be implemented at RSC.
The Annual Implementation Plan for 2018 was presented to council, and focussed the college’s multiple strategies into three key goals for this year. Goal 1 has a focus on student learning growth, especially reading, vocabulary and in particular non-fiction texts; Goal 2 has a focus on cognitive engagement, and ‘knowing what you are learning,’ particularly through the use of compass and the GANAG instructional model; and Goal 3 has a focus on nurturing social and emotional development at RSC. Progress toward these goals will be measured and contribute to future reports.
Ringwood Training presented their report, detailing continuing success in student numbers and revenue. In general, council was pleased with the financial position of the college, in order to sustain and prepare for the future.
Council also discussed a brilliant start to the school year; new staffing; new uniform; the destination of the year 12 class of 2017 for university, TAFE, work or other endeavours, and was particularly pleased to hear of the success of the swimming sports day with over 1000 students and a wonderful atmosphere. Welcome back to the whole college community and have a great 2018!
Andrew Amos
28 Feb 2018
Study Group
The STUDY GROUP is about to commence for 2018. The program is for students who have ineffective study habits and need a gentle nudge to get homework, assignment and research skills to gain the maximum from your class teaching.
The students enrolled are tutored by year 11 and year 12 students who are leaders at that level, so they know the importance of such skills.
The semester 1 program will commence on Thu 1st March and conclude Thu 28 th June (15 sessions).
The session times will again be held after school on Thursdays between 3:15 and 4:15.
I have attached an application form. Alternatively, the school office will have hardcopies for you to collect and complete.
The 15 sessions will cost $100.
Eddie D’Alfonso
Ringwood Secondary College
- If possible please contact the attendance line if your child/children will be arriving late to school in the mornings and leave a reason for the lateness
- Alternatively you can write a note with the reason included.
- IN BOTH CASES – please ensure that your child signs in at the front office - this way the school is aware of when a student is on the school grounds and under our Duty of Care until they leave at the end of the day.
Late detentions at lunchtime may be given to students who are regularly late to school without a legitimate reason or parent approval.
IMPORTANT - If you receive an SMS please ring the attendance line on 9845 7519 as soon as possible
Your support with all matters attendance is appreciated.
With thanks
Attendance Officer