Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report

Dear Parents,


Our wonderful Art teacher Mr Mac, we know him as Clive, has decided to leave us at the end of this term.  Clive has moved to Grantville and unfortunately for the school the commute has gotten too much for him. 


Clive has taught here for the past nine years. When Clive started as an emergency teacher at Woori in 2013 Julia Gillard was Prime Minister, however later in that year Kevin Rudd took over and then finally Tony Abbott, three prime ministers in one year!  Lucky for us that didn’t happen for Clive, he started teaching here and didn’t look back. 


Clive has taught a range of year levels, devoted time to teach free guitar lessons before school, then finally deciding to go with the Art specialist role.  Clive will be impossible for us to replace as he is such a talented person. He’s help with Productions, Christmas Concerts, Grade Six Graduation Videos and our Buddy Videos will be sorely missed. He also started the Woori Archi art competition and during the last few years he has the whole school excited about photography. We can’t thank Clive enough for everything he has done for the school and the improvements he personally has made to the school. 


I’m sure you will all join with me in wishing Clive a happy next chapter of his life down on beautiful Western Port Bay. 


Thank you Clive for a wonderful nine years at Woori. 

Farewell Mr Mac
Farewell Mr Mac



You would/should have received an invite to attend a parent teacher interview through Compass.  We don’t normally run interviews this time of year.  However, our staff decided it would be a better way to inform parents, rather than later on through the year.  Teachers will be discussing student goals and discussing the wonderful achievements that have already happened through the term.


We are giving parents the option of face to face or online so that we can cater for what suits individuals best.

Interviews will be on:

Tuesday 5th of April – Face to Face Interviews

Wednesday 6th of April – Online Interviews

ANZAC DAY - 2022

This year ANZAC day falls on what would have been the first Monday after the holidays. That Monday will of course be a public holiday.


This year the Upper Yarra RSL will go back to staging their very child friendly ceremony. Students are encouraged to March down the main street of Yarra Junction to the cenotaph where a service will be held.


I would like to invite students of all age groups to participate. Please join us on Monday the 25th of April at 10am in front of the Commonwealth Bank in Yarra Junction. We will march behind our Woori Yallock Primary School flag. Children are encouraged to wear medals belonging to grandparents or other relatives.  




Every year we have some teething issues with our kiss and drop.  Can I please ask parents to keep moving up as much as possible so that the line of traffic keeps moving?  School’s like ours that were built in the 1980’s were not designed to have large amounts of traffic like we see today.  That’s simply because times have changed, in the 80’s (yes the good old 80’s when I was at school) 80% of kids would have walked or ridden to school.  Today only around 10% do that.  The council helped upgraded our carpark only six years ago and will not be willing to put more money into improvements for some time.


Therefore we are stuck at the moment being kind and considerate of others while keeping the traffic following as best we can. 


Some times in my travels around the school I come across student writing and thoughts that makes me think our kids should be running the world or our country because they make more sense. I hope you enjoy the following reflections as much as I did:

Supermarket collectables - should they be banned?

I like collecting and playing with these toys but have we stopped to think how bad they are for the environment? It is unnecessary plastics being used that is polluting the environment. Maybe they can continue, but they just need to reconsider the materials they are using to make them - Arabelle Syme

Close the Gap

Sorry isn't enough. If you say something, you have to make sure you stick with it and see it through. Aboriginal people should have the same rights and the same access to medicine as the rest of the population. They are still people, they shouldn't live a shorter life just because of their culture or where they live - Molly Gates

East Coast Floods

I feel so bad for all the families affected by the floods and the houses that have been lost underwater. It would be so scary living through this, and even after all the water goes away the problem isn't over. There is still other risks including catching diseases. It will cost a lot of money to fix all the damage from the floods, things like fixing all the broken fences and even things like basketball courts that are completely flooded - Emily Grace 

Aboriginal perspective on the first fleet

"Australia has supported the lives of 1.6 billion people for over 60,000 years. There were 700 languages. I can't believe they were some of the first people on earth. Can you think if the English and first Australians learned to get along when they arrived, how perfect life would be?" - Ethan Johnson

Book club "Detention"

"In Australia there are detention centres surrounded by thick barbwire fences and tall trees. Refugees from war torn and poverty countries who have tried to seek a new life in Australia, are just thrown into the hell of these detention centres for years" Tia Malcom


“We should be using reusable masks. Every time we put a mask in the bin, we are adding more rubbish to the world. It Is hurting our environment and our animals” Chloe Van Der Zwart

Mental Health

“One act of kindness a day can help relieve stress and anxiety and depression and by doing that it makes you and the person beside you healthier and happier. Just one moment of kindness can change a lot” Cash Olson


“There are many benefits to being kind such as, it can make you and others feel happy, it can make you physically and mentally stronger, if you are kind you can age slower, it can help you make friends and there are many more. If you meditate and are kind to people, you can reduce stress. Remember to be kind, make a goal to follow each day” Mia Thiedeman 


This week was our first school council meeting where our Annual Report for 2021 was endorsed. It was a very positive meeting particularly because we had such a successful 2021. You can find a copy of our Annual Report on our website.


Every year all positions are open and voted on at the first council meeting, the following are the results:


President:                  Alex Syme 

Vice President:         Adele Ormsby

Treasurer:                  Trudy Bond

Secretary:                  Libby Bemrose 


Our school will again be led strongly by Alex and Adele and the rest of our school council members. I already thank them for their own going support of our beautiful school.


Firstly I just wanted to thank all the parents that helped out in the canteen on Thursday particularly Jasmine Maloney who coordinated everything for us. It was a big day with hundreds of sausages in bread were sold.  The school profited $428.68, the money will go towards buying a new BBQ for the school as we only have one. 


Our house sports day was a wonderful success this year with lots of happy students with lots of ribbons, congratulations to Muyan for winning back to back house sports. I felt it was our best house sports day ever. A big thank you to our P/E teacher Ash Gibbons for organising the sports, he does an amazing job with the sport program at our school.


Our parents (especially Jacinta Van Eijk, Sharee Kelly and Matt Robinson) all ran well in the relay race against the teachers and students. Unfortunately our parents came in at third and fourth place. The teachers won again for the 10th year in a row. There is always next year Jacinta? 


Just a reminder that the district athletics carnival is on this Friday the 1st of April. The venue is Upper Yarra Secondary College. I am sure that all our students will represent the school well and do their best. Due to our parents and friends fundraising efforts we have the best sports tops in the valley for our children to compete in. 


A reminder that the last day of term will be Friday April 8th. The school day finishes at 2:30pm and brings term 1 to an end. 


And remember when the world is getting too hectic, escape to the wonderful world of a book!

 I plan on finishing a few on the holidays. 


I’ll see you at the kiss and drop,