Principal's Message

Diverse ~ Accepting ~ Inclusive Community

Dear Parents and Guardians,


This week I've had the opportunity to speak with Old Saints (alumni), supporters and friends of the College and it is wonderful the bond and connection they all have with our school.


Our College motto, 'To Strive, To Seek, To Care' was highlighted and was evident in the support and achievements of those I met. Some of these people were impacted by Covid and the small gesture of the College (just asking how someone was going during that time, and offering any support), meant the world to them. 


It was a reminder to me and those I was with, that it's the small things that we do, that can mean the world to someone else and helps to get them through a difficult time.


If we know of someone going through a rough time, let's stop for a moment and check-in with them. For someone that could make all the difference.


Thank you and Be Kind Always, 



~ Mr Roger Herbert
