Deputy Principal's Report
Years 8, 10 & 12
Deputy Principal's Report
Years 8, 10 & 12
Henry Kendall High School has transitioned to NAPLAN online in 2022 and as a result our testing process will be a little different this year. There will be details to both students, parents and caregivers in the following weeks ready for the testing period in May from the 10th to the 20th. All students in Years 7 and 9 will work through demonstration tests in class and practice tests.
The practice test will take place on Thursday 31st March in the school MPC. Year 9 will complete their test Period 1 and Year 7 Period 4. It is very important for all students to complete the practice test, so they have a chance to become familiar with the testing platform.
NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school.
Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the format of the tests before the NAPLAN test window.
It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing, but about assessing learning progress.
The best approach for preparing your child for NAPLAN is to encourage your child to do the best they can on the day.
Your child’s school is your first point of contact for questions about NAPLAN.
You can withdraw your child from NAPLAN tests. Your child may be exempt from NAPLAN tests if they have:
Contact your child’s school for further information about withdrawals and exemptions.
Tailored testing provides a more precise assessment of students’ performance in the areas of reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy by adapting to responses.
Students at each year level start with a similar set of questions. Depending on the number of questions they answered correctly, the next set of questions may be more, or less, difficult.
Students should not be concerned if the questions are more difficult than expected.
A student’s NAPLAN result is based on both the number and difficulty of questions the student answers correctly. A student who completes a more difficult set of questions is more likely to achieve a higher score (and a higher band placement).
As a result of the colder weather we have had increasing issues with students wearing tracksuit pants, hoodies and undershirts. From the beginning of Term 1 we will be running uniform detentions in Break 1 for all students who continue to not follow the uniform code for our school. Any student who fails to attend the detention will then be required to attend an
After School Detention; notification of ASD will be via SMS, with date and time. For further clarification of any uniform issues and/or detention please ring the school.
We have a wonderful community reputation, which is reinforced constantly with our students displaying their school pride in the correct uniform.
Mrs Natalie Wearne
Deputy Principal
Years 8, 10, 12