Sophie McKenzie and Ang Burke
Zac Sherar
Sophie McKenzie and Ang Burke
Zac Sherar

Interschool Swimming Sports

The South Gippsland Interschool Swimming Sports was held on Monday the 7th of March at the Korumburra Outdoor Pool. A number of individual students were successful on the day, including a Year 8 boy’s freestyle relay team.


Special congratulations to Sophie McKenzie, Owen Jones and Zac Sherar for placing first in their individual events.


Congratulations to all students who participated and represented our school at the event.


Regional Swimming

On Thursday the 17th of March students and parents travelled to Sale to represent Korumburra Secondary College at the Regional Swimming Sports.


Korumburra Secondary College came ninth out of 21 schools with a total of 142 points.

Congratulations to Owen Jones and Sophie McKenzie for setting new records at the event.

Congratulations to all students for their efforts and to those who progressed to the State Swimming Championships in April.