Helpful Information for Parents and Carers

Employment Opportunities
Homework Centre
Homework Centre is on Monday to Wednesdays in the College Library. The Centre runs from 3.20pm to 4.30pm and there are staff to assist students. All welcome. Easy pickup from the designated visitor pickup between the office and library entrances.
2022/23 Enrolment Information
Enrolment applications for 2023 are open for Year 7. We also have limited spaces for 2022 in all year groups. Please contact our Enrolment Officer Mrs Amanda Howard on (02) 6772 1666 or email for an enrolment pack.
Tuition Fees
The Tuition Fee is an annual charge that is divided into three (3) term payments for convenience. Tuition Fees include a resource fee of $500 per annum for Years 7-10 and $700 per annum for Years 11 and 12 to cover the cost of book-hire, computer software licensing and copyright etc. As a systemic school in the Armidale Diocese, the College is required to make regular payments to the Armidale Catholic Schools Office. Tuition Fees are also required to cover the normal running costs of the College. Unless a prior arrangement has been made with either the Principal or the College Bursar, all accounts are expected to be finalised promptly.
Family Reduction
A reduction of fees is granted when a family has three or more children attending the College. Where there are three children, the third child will receive a 60% reduction, where there are four or more children, the third will receive a 60% reduction and there is no charge for subsequent children. Consideration will also be given to families with more than two children enrolled at O’Connor Catholic College and the Catholic feeder schools to O’Connor.
Resource Fee
The Resource Fee is included as part of the Tuition Fees. The 2022 Fees are:
Junior Secondary Years 7 -10 $1026 per Term x 3 Terms ($3078 p.a.)
Senior Secondary Years 11-12 $1172 per Term x 3 Terms ($3516 p.a.)
Method of Payment
Payment of Fees and other charges may be made in cash, by Compass Pay, cheque, EFTPOS or by Credit Card (Bankcard, Visa, Mastercard). Direct Debits may also be arranged with the bursar. The preferred method is Compass Pay.
Notification of Withdrawal of Students
Parents are expected to give one month's notice, in writing, if they are intending to withdraw students from the College. Failure to do so may render them liable for a full term's fees.
Building Levy
The facilities at O’Connor are maintained through the contribution of families to the BuildingLevy. These can be existing parents of students, pensioners, or parishioners with no connection to the College. All parents (past, present and future) have a responsibility to maintain and look after the heritage and buildings they have and will inherit. A $414.00 per annum per family building levy is charged and $138 will be invoiced with the Tuition Fees each Term. It can be expected that this levy will increase in future years.
Elective Fees: TBA, Electives are still being decided. Refer to our website for more information.
Fees can be paid through the Compass system. For any information regarding the payment of fees, please call the College Office on 67 72 1666.
When paying fees online, please use your account number or name as a reference when paying their school fees so we know where the payment has come from.
St Vincent de Paul Society
Vinnies in this area are currently having a recruitment drive. Come along to this information session and find out more about what it is like to help out in many different ways within the Vinnies organisation. You don't need to be Catholic to join.
Canteen Menu
We are fortunate at O'Connor Catholic College to have such a range of healthy options at our student cafe. The daily specials are always popular and this Term a mini graze box has been added to the morning tea menu.
2022 netball season registrations are now open!
With the season set to commence on Saturday 30 April, it's time to register! All registrations must be completed by Friday 1 April 2022.
ACSC registration fees include our $50 club fee/uniform hire fee. 2022 fees are as follows:-
Junior (10-17 years) $185.00
Senior (18+ years) $215.00
The process registration process is as follows:-
- Activate your Active Kids Voucher with Service NSW.
- Go to:
- In the PlayHQ search bar type Armidale. You will see the link for Armidale Catholics Sports Club, click on this. Follow the registration prompts and Sign Up to create your PlayHQ account.
- Don't forget to use your Active Kids voucher in the payment screen; click on 'I have a government voucher'.
- Once you select 'Confirm Purchase' on the payment screen your registration is complete!
We will be holding our Division 1/Division 3 trials, and Year 7 meet and greet session, on Tuesday March 22, at the Lynches Road Courts, from 4.00-5.15pm. All players trialling must be registered to participate, and you must also send an expression of interest by email (to including your preferred playing positions.
If you have any questions please email or contact Sharon Stuart 0433 198 321 or Donna Matheson 0409 623 450.
Harlequins Hockey Club
Harlequins Hockey Club are seeking expressions of interest from players interested in playing junior hockey this year. We will be fielding teams in Under 8s, 11s, 13s and 15s girls and boys/mixed comp.
The boys/mixed comp (11s, 13s and 15s) will be played on Monday evenings and the girls comp Saturday mornings.
Please send an email nominating your child's intention to play, which age division(s) they want to play in, date of birth, address and parental email and phone contact.
Please contact:
Louise Vaughan (junior co-coordinator) at
Full time Provisional Psychologist available for students at O'Connor
At O'Connor we have an onsite full-time provisional psychologist at the College. This will ensure timely and easy access to what is a very important service for our students.
Army Cadets
The Armidale Uni 2IC have returned to face to face Cadet evenings. We are back !! Bigger and better than before!! Recruiting for this year starting 21st Feb 2022 for next 3 weeks.. leading to our first recruit camp for this year..What do you get I hear you ask?- uniforms supplied - no cost Monday nights, only costs are field camps. - leadership skills- interest in further career with ADF - Military Experience- learn to work in a team environment - and much much more!!Age 12.5 to 16 years When : every Monday night whilst school is on Timings : 1800hrs (6pm ) till 2030hrs (830pm) Address :- 28 Sports union drive, Armidale Hockey has car parking just outside our fence. Attached is a shall video of what the kids get up to on camps.
To call : Capt (AAC) Shevaun Stait 0429022335
Navy Cadets
Australian Navy Cadet Training Ship Armidale is holding a Recruiting day on Saturday 26th March 2022 from 10am till 1pm.Onsite at TS Armidale, UNE Campus West Armidale, Sports UNE Road, ArmidaleContact Meg 0423939622 The ANC is a leading provider of youth development experiences.Navy Cadets reflect the Royal Australian Navy's values of honour, honesty, courage, integrity and loyalty. Being a Navy Cadet also provides great opportunities to make new friends, be part of a team that values you and to experience new, exciting challenges that develop your potential as a leader.
Some examples of the program will teach Cadets to sail, become qualified to operate a powerboat, learn navigation and seamanship and gain skills in everything from first aid, cooking, drone flying, cyber challenges, rifle shooting and many other exciting activities.
If you are between 12 and 18 (turning 13 this year) please come on down to find out more information.
Bus Timetables for 2022
Edwards Coaches
All parent, guardian and student inquiries for 2022 can be referred to Edwards Coaches on (02) 6772 3116 or by emailing them at or
TFNSW is now accepting bus applications for 2022. Please go to the Transport NSW page. You can also simply use your browser by searching School Student Transport Scheme. Likewise for you can update your address or school changes.
VIDEO: A quick snapshot of O'Connor Catholic College including our current College Captains.
Uniform Shop
Reminder - Winter Uniform Term 2
In readiness for the start of Term 2 and the change over to the full winter uniform, we are encouraging parents to start organising appointments with Mrs Vickie Cooper by calling the College 6772 1666 or emailing this stage we are unsure if the Clothing Pool will be open during the Easter Holidays, so please book appointments as soon as possible.
Clothing Pool hours are:
Monday - 8am to 12 noon
Wednesday - 12 to 4pm
Thursday - 10am to 4pm
To make an appointment, please contact Mrs Vickie Cooper through the College office, 6772 1666 or via email: For the remainder of term, the Uniform Shop will be open on Mondays-8am to 12noon, Wednesdays-12noon to 4pm and Thursday-10am to 4pm.
Uniform Shop Hours (by appointment).
Monday: 8am - 12pm
Wednesday: 12pm - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 4pm (note change of day for 2021)
Prices can be found on our College website.