Principal's Message 


From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been absolutely fantastic having our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students back at school this past fortnight. The children settled in incredibly well and are enjoying the normality of schooling.

Next Tuesday we will welcome our Year 3 - 6 students. The teachers are looking forward to having them back at school and being involved in face-to-face teaching.

COVID Protocols

Thank you to our parents who, over the past fortnight, having been incredibly cooperative and supportive of our social distancing measures, ensuring that they do not come onto the school grounds. Next week will be another change and challenge as we welcome our Years 3-6 students back to on-site learning. 


Increased numbers at school will involve increased pedestrian and traffic congestion and so I would like to remind families of our pickup and drop-off protocols.


Drop Off

In the morning school will start at the usual time at 8:55am. There will be no staggered start for students arriving at the commencement of the school day. Children can be dropped at school any time between 8:30am and 9:00am. Children are not to arrive any earlier than 8:30am. Please use the before school service if earlier supervision is required.

Please note: There are restrictions on access to the school site for anyone other than immediate school staff and students. Parents are not permitted to enter the school grounds unless a prior appointment has been made.

Parents will be asked to drop off their children at any of the three points;

  • At the drive through where a staff member will supervise the children entering the school.
  • Via the pedestrian access gate on Ferntree Gully Road. Parents will need to leave their child at the gate. A staff member will be at the gate ensuring the safety of the children entering school.
  • Via the main entrance. Students can enter via the front doors if they have walked to school. If parents park their car in the car park they must leave their child/children at the bottom of the stairs where a staff member will supervise the children entering the school.


The pick-up arrangements will involve a staggered finish to the school day

  • 3:00pm Prep - Year 2 students (and their older siblings) finish
  • 3:15pm Year 3 and 4 (and their older siblings) finish
  • 3:30pm Year 5 and 6 finish

We would ask that parents of children in 3/4 and 5/6 do not arrive early as we will still be clearing cars from the first pick-up.


Parents will be asked to collect their children at any of the three meeting points mentioned above. For the safety of children, we ask that parents leave the car park as soon as practically possible.


Parents are asked not to enter the foyer of the school, but wait in their cars or at the foot of the stairs (ensuring social distancing).

If a child is arriving late to school or if a child needs to be collected early then a parent may enter the foyer to collect their child.


Hygiene Practices

The Prep- Year 2 students have been very cooperative when it comes to washing hands at school. All staff have been asked to ensure that the children continue to wash their hands at the start and end of lessons, before eating, after going to the toilet and when returning after play. This practice will continue when our Year 3-6 students return.


Student Wellbeing

Our teachers are very aware that some children may be experiencing anxiety as they prepare to return to school. Opportunities for the children to discuss their feelings and emotions about the current situation will be offered and they will continue to be monitored as they settle back into school life.

Should you be concerned  please contact Emily Faella (our Wellbeing Leader) or your child's classroom teacher.

New Library

We were very excited to receive our new library furniture on Tuesday. Karen Wakeling and Lorraine Hill spent the entire day putting books back on the shelves to ensure it was ready for lessons today and in preparation for all children returning next week. We are sure our students are going to enjoy this new space where we aim to promote a love of reading and learning.



We keep the Michaelidis family (Georgette 3/4T and Stevie 1/2L) in our prayers with the passing of their grandmother last week.

New Staff

Next week we welcome two new staff members to COHR; Catherine Colonnelli and Joel Nankervis. Joel and Catherine will join our team of LSO's (Learning Support Officers), supporting teachers to assist students with additional learning needs.

School Nurse Visit

Nicole Joyce, a visiting primary school nurse from the Department of Education and Training, will be attending our school on Friday 12th June to conduct the Prep grade health assessments and to see other children as requested by teachers (with parents’ consent).

The purpose of the visit is to provide all Victorian Prep children with the opportunity to have a health assessment; to link children, families and school communities to services available in the community; and to provide information and advice promoting health and wellbeing.

Parents are welcome to contact the visiting primary school nurse if there are any issues they wish to discuss. The contact number for the visiting primary school nurse is 0459 873 959.

School Enrolments 2021

Enrolments for Prep 2021 are now being accepted. If you have a child commencing school next year and you are yet to submit an enrolment form we would ask that you do so as soon as possible.

Take care everyone
